Grant Application - National Cancer Institute, 1949 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Ray, O. M., 1949 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Ayre, J. Ernest, 1949-1952 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Seibels, Robert E., 1949-1955 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Pap Smears - Requests for Work - Restricted, 1949-1956 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Davis, Rachel D., 1949-1959 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Simpson Paul E., 1949-1962 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service, 1950 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Small Correspondence and Subject File, 1947-1962
Genital Cytology in Obstetrics & Gynecologic Patients: A Four Year Study, 1950 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Publications, Papers, and Other Writings, 1939-1959
Genital Smears in the Diagnosis of Adenocarcinoma of the Uterus, 1950 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context W. Kenneth Cuyler Papers, 1939-1962Publications, Papers, and Other Writings, 1939-1959