Correspondence, November 24, 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Neubauer, Richard A., folder 1, 1978-2000
Correspondence, March 25, 1985 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Vann, RIchard D., 1984-1995
Correspondence, March 25, 1947 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Submarine Escape, 1947
Correspondence, June 30, 1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Neubauer, Richard A., folder 1, 1978-2000
Correspondence, February 4, 1987 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Vann, RIchard D., 1984-1995
Correspondence, February 21, 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Neubauer, Richard A., folder 1, 1978-2000
Correspondence, February 21, 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Neubauer, Richard A., folder 1, 1978-2000
Correspondence, December 18, 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Neubauer, Richard A., folder 1, 1978-2000
Correspondence, December 16, 1980 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Lanphier, Edward, 1971-1980
Correspondence, December 13, 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Neubauer, Richard A., folder 1, 1978-2000
Correspondence, December 1, 1961 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Merlin, A. G., 1961
Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Conductance Thermique du Corps Humain en Immersion a la Neutralite Thermique et en Ambiance Froide, 1973 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Boutelier, C., 1970-1979
Comparison of Bubble Dynamics and US Navy LE1 Models as Predictors of Altitude Decompression Sickness Risk, May 7-11, 1995 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Vann, RIchard D., 1984-1995
C.M.A.S. - Compte Rendu de la Reunion Ordinaire de la Commission, April 1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974
Clopton, Ben M., 1982-1984 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Clepper, Peter A., 1977 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Clark, James M., folder 1, 1965-1989 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
C. I. R. S. S. Comitato Italiano Ricerche Studi Subacque, 1975 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Cianci, Paul, undated Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Chemoreceptor Stimulation in Diving Bradycardia of Ducks (2 copies), 1977 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Vacca, Cesare, 1968-1977
Chapter III: Decompression Sickness Following Exposure to High Pressures, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Behnke, Albert R., 1957-1979
Censimento delle Camere di Decompressione ed Impianti Iperbarici, April 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001C. I. R. S. S. Comitato Italiano Ricerche Studi Subacque, 1975
Catalina Marine Science Center, 1985 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Carpenter, M. Scott, 1968 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Camporesi, Enrico, undated Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
California Advisory Committee on Scientific Technical Diving, 1978 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Caisson Comex de Recompression a Double Chambre 100 M (Climatise Froid & Chaud), undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Caisson Come De Recompression A Double Chambre 100 M (Climatise Froid and Chaud), undated
Caisson Come De Recompression A Double Chambre 100 M (Climatise Froid and Chaud), undated Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Byford, G. H., 1965 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Brown, I. W., undated Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Brown, E. W., 1931 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
British Medical Association Scottish Council Report, 1975 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Brinton, E.S., 1944 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Brain, Mind and Movement, July 7, 1980 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Jokl Ernst, 1980
Boutelier, C., 1970-1979 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Bornmann, Robert C., 1991-2001 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Bond, George F., folder 1, 1964 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Bolton, Margie E., folder 1, 1978-1979 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Body Fluid Regulation During Immersion, 1969 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Gauer, O. H., 1969
Blankenship, James E., 1973-1977 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Biological Aspects of Superoxide Radical and Superoxide Dismutases, 1976, 1977 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Fridovich, Irwin, 1976-1977
Biochemistry of Oxygen Toxicity, 1965-1966 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Clark, James M., folder 1, 1965-1989
Bibliography Relating to CO2, August 1980 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Forster, Hubert V., 1980
Bibliographie Medicale periodique de la Plongee, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974
Bennett, Peter B., folder 1, 1965-1976 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Belaud, Alain, 1976 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Behnke, Albert R., 1957-1979 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Battelle Memorial Institute Research Report, 1969 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001