Catalina Marine Science Center, 1985 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Physiologie comparee de divers mammiferes aux hautes pressions en atmosphere oxygen-helium, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Effect on PaO2 of Breathing Normoxic O2-N2 Mixtures Under Pressure, in Rabbits, June 2, 1969 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Experimentation Animale en Vue de la Recherche des Limites D'utilisation du Melange Oxygen-Helium, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Animal Experiments with Oxygen-Hydrogen Mixtures, November 1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
New Datas on Limiting Factors in Deep Saturation Dives, August 1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Etudes et Realisations Actuelles du C.E.M.A., Aspects Physiologiques, Developpement de la Plongee a Saturation, October 23, 1969 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Etudes et Realisations Actuelles du CEMA, November 21, 1968 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Sur les Limites Physiologiques de la Plongee a Saturation a l'air et aux Melanges Synthetiques (O2-N2, O2-He), March-May 1968 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Regarding the Physiological Limits of Diving with Air Saturation and With Synthetic Mixtures (O2-N2, O2-He), March-May 1968 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Physiological Aspect of Prolonged Exposure at Extreme Ambient Pressure in an Oxygen-Helium Atmosphere, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Recherches de Physiologie Neuromusculaire et Spinale chez le Babouin en Atmosphere O2+N2 Jusqu'a 21 Bars (experiences Papiola I et II), February 15, 1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971
Chouteau, Jaques, 1968-1971 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Hyperbaric Therapy for Radiation Injury, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Cianci, Paul, undated
Cianci, Paul, undated Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Censimento delle Camere di Decompressione ed Impianti Iperbarici, April 1975 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001C. I. R. S. S. Comitato Italiano Ricerche Studi Subacque, 1975
C. I. R. S. S. Comitato Italiano Ricerche Studi Subacque, 1975 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
General Safety Features in Chamber Design and Operation, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Brown, I. W., undated
Brown, I. W., undated Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Extension of Central Nervous System Oxygen Tolerance in Physical Work: 1989 Annual Progress Report, December 29, 1989 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Clark, James M., folder 1, 1965-1989
Biochemistry of Oxygen Toxicity, 1965-1966 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Clark, James M., folder 1, 1965-1989
Clark, James M., folder 1, 1965-1989 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Letter: Request for Mail Review, SSP Application 1 K10 00009-01, Jokl., May 9, 1977 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Clepper, Peter A., 1977
Clepper, Peter A., 1977 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Final Report: The Effects of Middle Ear Pressure on Hearing, November 1982-October 1984 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Clopton, Ben M., 1982-1984
Clopton, Ben M., 1982-1984 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Rapport de Reunion de la C.M.P. a Anvers, March 5, 1974 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974
Program - Confederation Mondiale des Activites Subaquatiques CMAS, World Underwater Federation, May 30-June 5, 1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974
Bibliographie Medicale periodique de la Plongee, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974
C.M.A.S. - Compte Rendu de la Reunion Ordinaire de la Commission, April 1971 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974
Confederation Mondiale, 1971-1974 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
State-of-the-Art in Underwater Biotechnology - Problems and Solutions, June 1966 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Crooks, T. P., 1966
Crooks, T. P., 1966 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Progress on the Cammell Laird Sea Bed Vehicle, April 1970 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Daniell, A. F., 1970
Daniell, A. F., 1970 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Decompression Tables: The History of Why and How They Were Developed, December 10, 1979 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Decompression Tables The History of Why and How They Were Developed, 1979
Decompression Tables The History of Why and How They Were Developed, 1979 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Electricity in Water - Safety of Divers, 1980 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Diesen, A., 1980
Diesen, A., 1980 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Divers Alert Network Report on 1988 Diving Accidents, December 1989 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Divers Alert Network Report on 1988 Diving Accidents, 1989
Divers Alert Network Report on 1988 Diving Accidents, 1989 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
The Hazards of Diving in Polluted Waters Program Guide and Abstracts, 1988 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Diving in Polluted Waters (BIB) and Proceedings, 1984-1988
Hazards of Diving in Polluted Waters: A Bibliography, August 17, 1988 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Diving in Polluted Waters (BIB) and Proceedings, 1984-1988
Potential Hazards to Divers Working in Contaminated or Polluted Waters: A Bibliography, May 1984 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Diving in Polluted Waters (BIB) and Proceedings, 1984-1988
Diving in Polluted Waters (BIB) and Proceedings, 1984-1988 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Outline of Pressure Physiology for Medical Students, February 1992 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Educational Materials, 1992
Educational Materials, 1992 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Oxygen Toxicity During Hypocalcaemia: Observations of Serum Calcium, Alkaline Phosphatase Levels and Time of Onset of Oxygen-Induced Convulsions in Rats, 1978 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Engstrom, C., 1978
Engstrom, C., 1978 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001
Environmental Biomedical Stress Data Center, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Reports and Reprints, 1931-2001Environmental Biomedical Stress Data Center, undated