Geographical Planning for Nursing Education Programs Committee, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Georgetown University, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Universities, general correspondence, undated
Geriatric Consultation at Cape Fear Valley, 1976 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Interest Group, undated [3 folders] Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Network, 1975-1981 [8 folders] Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nurse Educators Netwook Meeting, 1982 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Education Conference, 1982 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Education, Duke Workshop, 1981 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Education Workshop, 1981 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Education Workshop, Letters to Speakers, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Interest Group, 1976 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Seminar, correspondence with Virginia Stone, June, 1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gifts to the School - Procedures, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Governmental Affairs Committee, undated [4 folders] Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984American Association of Colleges of Nursing, undated
Governmental Affairs Committee, undated Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984American Association of Colleges of Nursing, undated
Governmental Affairs Committee, undated Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984American Association of Colleges of Nursing, undated
Governor's Advisory Council on Comprehensive Health Planning (also concerns George Stockbridge), undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Governor's Health Conference, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Grace Hospital, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate Education Ad Hoc Committee, undated Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Graduate Fellows, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate File, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate Nursing curriculum, undated [2 folders] Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate orientation, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate Program Advisement, undated Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Graduate Program Cluster Concept, undated Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Southern Regional Education Board, undated
Graduate program, correspondence regarding close, 1971 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Graduate program, general materials, 1974-1975 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Graduate program, Planning, 1973 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Graduate Program, Preceptor-Student Guidelines, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Graduate Program, School of Nursing, 1975 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Graduate Program Survey, Responses, undated Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Graduate Program, undated Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Graduate School of Nursing Recruitment, fliers, ads, correspondence, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Graduate Students, 1975-1983 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate Students Directory, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate Students, Fall, 1979 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Graduate Students, Program Exit Conferences, 1977 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Graduate, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduation, honors with distinction, and University Honors, 1977-1978 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Grant, 1973-1974 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, undated
Grant Proposal, Allied Health, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Graudate Program, Proposal for a Nursing Administration, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Great Britain Health Care Delivery Conference, 1973 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Guide for Preparation of Thesis, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
H, 1969-1972 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence, 1969-1972
H, 1982-1984 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence, 1981-1984
Hagedorn Fund, undated Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Scholarships and awards, undated
Hallmark Cards Inc., correspondence regarding health care for employees, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Handicapped accessibility in the School of Nursing, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes Annex, 1967-1975 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes Annex, 1981-1982 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes Annex Projects, 1977-1978 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes Annex Renovation, undated [2 folders] Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Hanes Annex, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Hanes House, 1981-1982 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House counselors, Job Description, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House counselors, Perception by Students, 1972-1973 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House counselors, Salary, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House counselors, Schedules, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House counselors, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House Renovation, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes House (Routing Envelope), undated Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Hanes Project, 1961-1962 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Hanes Renovation, 1976 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Hat Pin (TXT159), undated Box 35 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Academic Regalia, 2006, undated
Health, Education, and Welfare, 1970-1983 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Health, Education, and Welfare, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Health Education Study Group, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Health Fair, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Health Planning Council for Central North Carolina, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Health Services Research, undated Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Veterans Administration Medical Center, undated
Helena Kyle, gift, undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Highland Hospital, 1973 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Highland Hospital, 1977 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Highland Hospital, 1977-1979 [3 folders] Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Hillhaven Convalescent Center, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Historical Events, DUSN, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Historical: Handwritten recollections of: Planning Duke North, Disaster Planning, Nursing at Duke, Physician Assistants, MD/EdD, Smoking Policy, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
History File, undated Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Home Care Nursing, Paper for NCSNA Convention, Asheville, NC, 1984 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Honor Committee, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Honor Cords (TXT160), undated Box 35 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Academic Regalia, 2006, undated
Honors Program, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Honors, School of Nursing, 1973 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Honors Thesis, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
Hospital, Durham, 1976-1983 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Veterans Administration Medical Center, undated
House Bill 1553, correspondence, undated Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
House Counseling Personnel and Policies, 1967-1980 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1972-1973 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1973-1974 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1974-1975 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1975-1976 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1976-1977 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1977-1978 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, 1967 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Housing, 1967 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Housing, 1967-1968 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Housing, 1968 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated