Faculty Research Development Advisory Committee, 1977-1978 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1977-1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1977-1978 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hanes Annex Projects, 1977-1978 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Student Health Office, 1977-1978 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Office of Housing Management, 1977-1978 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Room Reservations, 1977-1978 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1977-1978 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Off Campus, Central Campus, Trinity Dorms, 1977-1978 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
School of Nursing Administration program, correspondence, 1977-1978 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduation, honors with distinction, and University Honors, 1977-1978 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Housing, 1977-1978 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Research Project, 1977-1978 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Southern Regional Education Board, undated
Student Administration Committee, 1977-1978 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Student Administration Committee, undated
Student Advisement Manual, 1977-1978 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Nurses in Surgery, 1977-1978 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Student uniforms, 1977-1978 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Faculty Salaries, 1977-1978 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Endowment, 1977-1978 Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Executive Committee Agenda, 1977-1978 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Faculty Meeting Agendas, 1977-1978 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Highland Hospital, 1977-1979 [3 folders] Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Chancellor correspondence, 1977-1983 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
How to Direct Geriatric Services, 1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
The Family and Older Persons: Policy, Research and Practice, 1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Talkshops, 1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Moore Memorial Hospital Consultation, 1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
North Carolina Nursing Association, District 7, 1978 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
American Medical Association, 1978 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Commencement, 1978 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Conference, Washington, D.C., 1978 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Institute of Medicine Committees, undated
Certification -- Assurance of Quality pamphlet, American Nurses' Association, 1978 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Physician Assistants publications, undated
Sea Level Conference, 1978 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
North Carolina Committee on Women in Higher Education Administration, 1978 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Curriculum, 1978 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Staff Benefits and Policy Handbook, 1978 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Daily Calendars, 1978 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Recognition Service, 1978 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Commitment Service, 1978-1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1978-1979 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Duke Nursing Student Association, Minutes, 1978-1979 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week Advisory Committee, 1978-1979 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week mailings, 1978-1979 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Student Health Office, 1978-1979 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Office of Housing Management, 1978-1979 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Room Reservations, 1978-1979 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Off Campus, Central Campus, Trinity Dorms, 1978-1979 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
North Carolina Council of Deans, 1978-1979 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Manuals, 1978-1979 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Housing, 1978-1979 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Student Administration Committee, 1978-1979 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Student Administration Committee, undated
Summary Research Report, 1978-1979 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Undergraduate Program, 1978-1979 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Student uniforms, 1978-1979 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Faculty Salaries, 1978-1979 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure, 1978-1979 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget, 1978-1979 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget Defense, 1978-1979 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget, General, 1978-1979 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Duke Nursing Student Association, Nursing Lists, 1978-1980 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
School of Nursing budgets, statistics and policies, 1978-1980 [2 folders] Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
School of Nursing budgets, statistics and policies, 1978-1980 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1978-1981 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Provost William Bevan correspondence, 1978-1982 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Nursing Student Association (Duke Chapter), 1978-1984 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
How to Develop Geriatric Services Geriatric Evaluation and Treatment Clinic, Duke Center for Aging, 1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Southern Area Alcohol Education Training Program (SAAETP), 1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Adragogy, Self-Directed, and Contract Learning, 1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
How to Work With Older People and their Families, 1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1979 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Duke Nursing Student Association, Workshop, 1979 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Duke Nursing Student Association, Publications, 1979 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week Advisory Committee, 1979 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
National League for Nursing, Council of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree programs, 1979 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
North Carolina Board of Nursing, Visit, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
North Carolina Board of Nursing, Meeting on Mandatory Continuing Education, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Continuing Education Conference, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Continuing Education Conference, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Study Abroad, Nottingham, England Experience, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
RN Student ad hoc Committee, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
United States Public Health Service, grant materials, 1979 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement, 1979 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
East End Health Center, 1979 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
International Health, 1979 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Institute of Medicine Committees, undated
Graduate Students, Fall, 1979 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Virginia-Carolinas' Doctoral Consortium, 1979 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Miscellaneous Papers, 1979 Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Conference with Dr. Anlyan, 1979 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Long Range Planning Committee, Report to the, 1979 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
NLN Accreditation Report, BSN and MSN Programs, 1979 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Daily Calendars, 1979 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Commencement, 1979 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Academic Advising, manuals and guides, 1979-1980 [3 folders] Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Continuing Education for Nurses Education at M.S. and Above Budget, 1979-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1979-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1979-1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1979-1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week Advisory Committee, 1979-1980 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week mailings, 1979-1980 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Advisement packet, graduate students, 1979-1980 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985