Commitment Service, 1973-1974 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1974-1975 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1975-1976 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement Service, 1968 [4 folders] Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1976-1977 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement Service, 1969 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement Service, 1970 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1977-1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement Service, 1971 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Consortium for Faculty Exchange, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Consortial Information, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1978-1979 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Construction Program, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Moore Memorial Hospital Consultation, 1978 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1979-1980 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Geriatric Consultation at Cape Fear Valley, 1976 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Regional Nursing Consultants, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1980-1981 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Continuing Education, DeMaria, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Continuing Education, Annual Report, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Continuing Education, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1981-1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Council of State Boards of Nursing Conference, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing (CGEAN), 1983 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commitment Service, 1982-1983 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Course Withdrawal Committee, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Core Curriculum, Interdisciplinary Courses, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
School of Nursing curriculum evaluation by Howard Stone, 1973 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Graduate Nursing curriculum, undated [2 folders] Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Campus Community Council, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Cancer Information, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Capping ceremonies, School of Nursing, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Career Day, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Center for Health Services Management, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
CEU/CERP, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Old Chemistry Building, infirmary., undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Chemistry Building, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
The Charge, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Chowan/Duke Program, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Chron File, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Christmas Choral Communion, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Experiences, 1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Schedule of Classes for Fall, 1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Durham County General Hospital, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
MSN Class, 1984 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1972-1977 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1975 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1975-1976 [7 folders] Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1976-1977 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1977-1978 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985