Freshman Week mailings, 1975-1976 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Student Health Office, 1975-1976 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing Committee, 1975-1976 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Office of Housing Management, 1975-1976 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Room Reservations, 1975-1976 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1975-1976 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Off Campus, Central Campus, Trinity Dorms, 1975-1976 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Associate Students of Duke University, Governance Report & Bylaws, 1975-1976 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Cabarrus Project, 1975-1976 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Commencement, 1975-1976 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Housing, 1975-1976 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Student uniforms, 1975-1976 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Budget, 1975-1976 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
First Presentation, Includes Budget, 1975-1976 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget, Revenue and Expenditures, 1975-1976 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget, 1975-1976 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Executive Committee Agenda, 1975-1976 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Faculty Meeting Agendas, 1975-1976 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
North Carolina Council of Deans, 1975-1977 [6 folders] Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Snug Harbor (retired merchant seamen's rest home), 1975-1977 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
University of North Carolina, Three Year Regional Research Project, 1975-1977 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Asheville Education Project Grant, 1975-1977 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Veterans Administration Medical Center, undated
Clinical Facilities, Graduate Practicum, 1975-1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Network, 1975-1981 [8 folders] Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Study abroad program, participant lists, program information and correspondence, 1975-1981 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Graduate Students, 1975-1983 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
The Charge, 1975-1983 Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Commencement, 1975-1984 [8 folders] Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Distinguished Alumna Award Bulletins, 1975-1984 Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Geriatric Consultation at Cape Fear Valley, 1976 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Evaluation of School of Nursing Graduate Program, 1976 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Gerontological Nursing Interest Group, 1976 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
National League for Nursing, Council of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree programs, 1976 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
North Carolina Nursing Association, Forum on Baccalaureate & Higher Degree Education, 1976 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
NSGA, 1976 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement, 1976 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Freshman conferences, 1976 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Evaluation of the Graduate Program, 1976 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
International Health, 1976 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Institute of Medicine Committees, undated
N370, 1976 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
N390, 1976 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
N172, 1976 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
Physician Associates, physician extenders propraals, Terrance Keenan visit, 1976 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Physician Associate duties at Duke Hospital, 1976 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Hanes Renovation, 1976 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Telethon, 1976 Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Fox, Mrs. Herbert, 1976 Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Sigma Theta Tau, UNC Greensboro, 1976 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Eastern Region Research Conference, University of Pennsylvania, 1976 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Second International Seminar of the Life Planning Center, Tokyo, Japan, 1976 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
NLN Accreditation Report, BSN, 1976 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Daily Calendars, 1976 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Asheville VAH, 1976 Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.052 Accession, 1930-2008
Commitment Service, 1976-1977 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Clinical Facilities, 1976-1977 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week Advisory Committee, 1976-1977 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week mailings, 1976-1977 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Student Health Office, 1976-1977 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Office of Housing Management, 1976-1977 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Room Reservations, 1976-1977 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
House Counselors Manuals, 1976-1977 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Housing, Off Campus, Central Campus, Trinity Dorms, 1976-1977 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Loyalty Fund, 1976-1977 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
School of Nursing Administration program, correspondence, 1976-1977 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Course Outlines, 1976-1977 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
N301-302, 1976-1977 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
N191-194, 1976-1977 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
Prenatal Classes, 1976-1977 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Housing, 1976-1977 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Resident Advisors, undated
Student Administration Committee, 1976-1977 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Student Administration Committee, undated
Student uniforms, 1976-1977 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Final Budget, 1976-1977 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget Package, 1976-1977 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Budget, 1976-1977 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
North Carolina Deans and Directors, 1976-1977 Box 28 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Admissions Subcommittee, 1976-1977 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Team Training Grant for Primary Health Care, 1976-1979 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Budget and Salaries, 1976-1979 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Clinical Facilities, DUMC, 1976-1982 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Hospital, Durham, 1976-1983 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Veterans Administration Medical Center, undated
Cancer Clinical Update, 1977 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
CEUs Program, Angus M. McBryde, 1977 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Legal Perspectives and Nursing Accountability, 1977 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Commencement, 1977 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Highland Hospital, 1977 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Student Loan Committee, 1977 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
N312, 1977 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984Nursing Courses, undated
Security and safety of Nursing students, 1977 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Southern Durham County Project, Parkwood core faculty meeting, 1977 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, 1957-1984
Ophthalmology Nursing, 1977 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984
Faculty Development Project in Primary Care, 1977 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Southern Regional Education Board, undated
Durham, Clinical Privileges for Nurse Specialists, 1977 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Subject Files, O-Z, 1959-1984Veterans Administration Medical Center, undated
Palm Beach, 1977 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
Graduate Students, Program Exit Conferences, 1977 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Addition, Retrenchment and budget materials, 1971-1986
NC State Nurses Association Convention, 1977 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Chapter for Hall/Weaver Book on Legislature Involvement, 1977 Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
On the Scene: The Duke University Hospital Experience in QA, Nursing Administration Quarterly, 1977 Box 31 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Daily Calendars, 1977 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008A2013.010 Accession, 1961-1984
Freshman Week Advisory Committee, 1977-1977 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985
Freshman Week mailings, 1977-1977 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Ruby Leila Wilson Papers, 1930-2008Correspondence and Subject Files, 1934-1985