Includes collected publications that were not grouped according to subject. Some publications display annotations, highlighted sections, and associated notes. The specifically named journals in the subseries, such as "Immunology Today" and "The Medical Letter," do not exhibit full runs. Materials date from 1900 to 1989.
Contains research articles arranged by subject with some highlighted sections, underlining, annotations, and corresponding notes. Many of the articles are numbered, with like numbers grouped together in the same research subject file. It is unclear, however, to exactly what the numbering corresponds. The collected publications which are not organized into subject files do not exhibit this numbering; the numbers may represent a research organization system imposed by Snyderman and/or his staff. Materials range in date from 1899 to 1989.
Contains articles, reprints, research notes, and research data. The articles and reprints in this series were not written by Snyderman. Many contain highlighted sections, underlining, annotations, and corresponding notes. Materials date from 1899 to 1989.
Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains the collected papers of Snyderman. Materials document Snyderman's professional appointments at both Duke University and Genentech, Inc., a biomedical technology firm in San Francisco, California. The papers consist of publications, manuscript materials, research materials, collected publications and citations, presentations and related correspondence, travel files, Genentech, Inc. research and administrative materials, subject files, business records from Snyderman's role as Duke's Chancellor for Health Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) committee and working group files, and papers from other committees and professional organizations of which Snyderman was a member. Major subjects in this collection include Snyderman's research in inflammation, immunology, and rheumatology; health care reform; medical administration and the role of the academic health center; and integrative and prospective medicine. Materials range in date from 1899 to 2006 with the bulk of the materials dating from 1968 to 2006.