"Integrative Medicine" Journal, 1997-2000 Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Subject Files, 1969-2000
Publication 339. "Multiple Signaling Pathways of Human Interleukin-8 Receptor A: Independent Regulation by Phosphorylation", 1998 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 340. "Differential Regulation of Formyl Peptide and Platelet-Activating Factor Receptors", 1998 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 341. "Restructuring the Research Enterprise for the Future", 1998 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 342. "Differential Cross-Regulation of the Human Chemokine Receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2: Evidence for Time-Dependent Signal Generation", 1998 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 343. "Opiates Transdeactivate Chemokine Receptors: [delta] and [mu] Opiate Receptor-Mediated Heterologous Desensitization", 1998 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 344. "Integrating Health Care Delivery Systems: Developing an Integrated Health Care System", 1998 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
"The Integrated Academic Health System: Have We Found a Solution for the Nation's Health?", 1998 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Manuscript Materials, 1968-2002
"Integrating Regional Health Systems", 1998 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Manuscript Materials, 1968-2002
Dean's Council, Duke University, Durham, NC (January 5, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Institute for Human Genetics at Duke University," Transforming Gift Presentation (January 15, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Trustees, Executive Committee / Trustee Committee, Duke University Health System (January 16, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
MedPAC Presentation (January 20, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Presentation to Alamance Regional Medical Center (January 21, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
School of Nursing Advisory Board, Duke University, Durham, NC (January 24, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Duke University Health System Retreat (January 30, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Florida Talks (February 6-7, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Healthy Heart, Healthy Life: A Focus on Women - A Women and Heart Disease Conference, Research Triangle Park, NC (February 14, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Duke's Commitment to Durham Regional and Community Physicians," Durham Regional Medical Staff Presentation (February 24, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Trustees (February 28, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Trustees Retreat (March 1, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Clinical Chair Meeting (March 3, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Princeton University Talk, Princeton, NJ (March 9, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Chemotaxis of Leukocytes: The Cells, the Signals, and the Receptors," Proctor & Gamble Life Sciences and Biotechnology Symposium (March 12, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Duke Private Sector Conference (March 16, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
West Palm Beach Forum (March 20, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
AAMC Council of Deans Spring Meeting (April 4, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
The Children Health Center Tip-off, Duke University, Durham, NC (May 1, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Rheumatology Awards Dinner, Searle Center, Duke University, Durham, NC (May 5, 1998), 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Machemer Dinner (May 7, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Medical Faculty Wives Luncheon, Washington Duke Inn, Durham, NC (May 7, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Trustees (May 16, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Integrated Health Delivery Systems: the Role of Academic Health Centers" - Argentina Talk (May 19, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Visitors Presentation (June 6, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
DUHS BOT Presentation (June 19, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
PDC Partnership Meeting (July 7, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Special MedPAC Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (August 12, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Trustee Committee for the Duke University Health System, Duke University, Durham, NC (August 21, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Clinical Chairs Meeting, Duke University, Durham (September 1, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
OPS Presentation (September 17, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Symposium in Cellular & Biosurface Engineering, Seale Center, Duke University, Durham, NC (September 28, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Field of Dreams" Talk, DUMC Campaign Kickoff Event, Durham Bulls Athletic Park, Durham, NC (October 2, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Genetics Symposium, Duke University, Durham, NC (October 3, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"The Duke Endowment" (October 5, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
MedPAC Presentation (October 6, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Genomic Imprinting Symposium, Washington Duke Hotel, Durham, NC (October 8, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Stedman Nutrition Center Board (October 14, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Wake County Medical Society Talk (October 15, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Robertson Dinner (October 21, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Durham Rotary Club - United Methodist Retirement Homes (UMRH) Meeting (October 26, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Cardiology Associates Faculty Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (October 27, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Healthcare Costs and Innovation Presentation, Duke University, Durham, NC (October 27, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Trustees Presentation (October 30, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) Administrative Board Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (November 4, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Wakeman Award Reception, Searle Center, Duke University, Durham, NC (November 13, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Pediatric Faculty Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (November 18, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Surgery Faculty Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (November 18, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Business Managers Meeting, Medical Center Board Room, Durham, NC (November 19, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Herbert A. Saltzman Retirement Reception, University Club, Durham, NC (December 1, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Lincoln-Duke Urgent Care Center Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, Lincoln Community Health Center, Durham, NC (December 1, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Josiah C. Trent Professorship Celebration, Bryan University Center, Duke University, NC (December 2, 1998) (folder 1 of 2), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Josiah C. Trent Professorship Celebration, Bryan University Center, Duke University, NC (December 2, 1998) (folder 2 of 2), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Department of Medicine Faculty Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (December 14, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Medical Center Faculty Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (December 17, 1998), 1998 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Association of Academic Health Centers (AHC) Meeting, Tucson, AZ (September 23-26, 1998), 1998 Box 31 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Travel Files, 1983-2006Meetings Not Attended, 1998-2006
Institute of Medicine (IOM) Meeting, Washington, D.C. (October 13-14, 1998), 1998 Box 31 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Travel Files, 1983-2006Meetings Not Attended, 1998-2006
Arthritis Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award Dinner for Dr. Gertrude B. Elion (October 22, 1998), 1998-1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"The Role of Alternative Medicine in the Academic Health Center," Humanities in Medicine Lecture Series, Duke University, Durham, NC (March 10, 1999), 1998-1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Duke University Faculty Noon Group, Duke University, Durham, NC (March 12, 1999), 1998-1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Physician Executive Leadership Program, Duke University, Durham, NC (April 5, 1999), 1998-1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
A.J. Kauvar Lecture, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO (November 9, 1999), 1998-1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Institute of Medicine (IOM), Irving, CA; P&G Board Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (January 10-12, 1999), 1998-1999 Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Travel Files, 1983-2006Meetings Attended, 1984-2006
Society of Medical Administrators (SOMA) Meeting, Naples, FL (January 9-12, 1999), 1998-1999 Box 31 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Travel Files, 1983-2006Meetings Not Attended, 1998-2006
Meetings Not Attended, 1998-2006 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Materials in this subseries relate to meetings and events that either were cancelled or Snyderman was unable to attend. These materials date from 1998 to 2006. view more view less Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Travel Files, 1983-2006
Publication 338. "Chemoattractant Stimulus-Response Coupling", 1999 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 345. "Chemoattractant Receptor Cross-Desensitization", 1999 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 346. "Chemoattractant Receptors Activate Distinct Pathways for Chemotaxis and Secretion", 1999 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
Publication 347. "Academic Medicine Can Transform Health Care Through Clinical Research", 1999 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Publication Listing, 1968-2000
"Academic Medicine Can Transform Health Care Through Clinical Research", 1999 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Manuscript Materials, 1968-2002
"Others Must Now Join Duke 'at the Table' ", 1999 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Writings and Publications, 1968-2002Manuscript Materials, 1968-2002
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, Duke University, Durham, NC (January 19, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
OB/GYN Faculty Meeting (January 20, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) Administrative Board (January 20, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Duke University Health System Strategic Planning Meeting (January 30, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
MedPAC (February 2, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Visitors, Duke University Health System (March 11, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Benenson Lunch and Palm Beach Forum, Palm Beach, FL (March 19-20, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Medical School Faculty Wives and the Nearly New Shoppe Luncheon, Durham, NC (March 25, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Directors Executive Committee (April 9, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Women-In-Action Founder's Award Banquet, Durham, NC (April 15, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Medicine for the New Millennium: Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit in Health Care," Duke University Alumni Panel, Duke University, Durham, NC (April 16, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
AAMC Council of Deans (April 19, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Cluster Groups / Steve Sloate AHC Marketing Group (April 22, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
MedPAC (May 5, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Spring Faculty Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC (May 6, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Maimonides Ceremony, Duke University, Durham, NC (May 15, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Transformation of DUMC," Duke University Board of Trustees (May 15, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
Board of Trustees (June 10, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"The Duke Endowment" (June 18, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003
"Engineering: Education to Serve the World," American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Charlotte, NC (June 21, 1999), 1999 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006Presentations and Talks, 1988-2003