Arden Instruments, 1952-1957 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Shell Fellowship, 1952-1954 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Committee on Radiological Safety, 1951-1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Radioisotopes Committee of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Licensing Isotopes Branch, 1951-1961 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
American Association of Medical Colleges Institute on Clinical Teaching, 1951-1961 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
American Board of Clinical Chemistry, Inc., 1951-1958 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Med. Student Exams, 1951, 1952-1955 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Goldblatt, Harry, 1951 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Institute of Life Insurance, 1951 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
The Biochemical Basis for Reval Hypertension, by P. Handler and F. Bernheim; Reprinted from Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 6, Supplement No. 3, 1951, p. 98, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Effect of Renal Decapsulation on Hypertension Induced, by Single Episode of Acute Choline Deficiency, by Philip Handler and Frederick Bernheim; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1951, V. 76, 338-341, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Synthesis of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, by Human Erythrocyte Hemolystates, by Irwin G. Leder and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Phosphorus Metabolism, Vol. 1, Edited, by William D. McElroy and Bentley Glass, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1951, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Biophysics Committee, 1950-1952 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Influence of Age on Hepatic Response to Choline and Cystine Deficiency in the Rat, by Philip Handler and Richard H. Follis, Jr.; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine; 1950, V. 75, 567 - 570, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
AAMC - File III, 1949-1957 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Office of Naval Research, 1949-1951 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
C.H. Best, 1949-1950 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Choline Deficiency in the Hamster, by Philip Handler and Frederick Bernheim; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1949, V. 72, 569 - 571, 1949 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Response of Guinea Pigs to Diets Deficient in Choline, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1949, 70, 70 - 73, 1949 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
A.S. Aloe Company, 1948-1963 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Kohn, Henry I., 1948-1953 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Macy, Josiah, Jr. Foundation, 1948-1952 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Darby, William J., 1948-1949 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Biochemistry, Dept. of, 1947-1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Institutes of Health, research training grants, 1947-1961 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Armour and Company, 1947-1952 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Indoleacetic Acid and Growth of Bacteria With Varying Requirements for Nicotinic Acid and Tryptophane, by Philip Handler and Henry Kamin; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1947, 66, 251 - 254, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Determination of Choline in Biological Material, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Biological Symposia, Vol. XII, 1947, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
A.H. Bryan to William Perlzweig, 1946-1947 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Life Insurance Medical Research Fund, 1945-1958 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Detoxication Mechanisms, by Philip Handler and William A. Perlzweig; Reprinted from Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol. XIV, 1945, 1945 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Gyorgy, Paul, 1944-1949 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Alleviation, by Raw Liver of Anorexia Produced, by Sulfapyridine, by Philip Handler (Introduced, by WHA. Perlzweig); Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1944, 57, 99 - 101, 1944 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Holt, L.E. to William A. Perlzweig, 1943-1944 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Use of Highly Purified Rations in the Study of Nicotinic Acid Deficiency, by Philip Handler (Introduced, by W.A. Perlzweig); Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental biology and Medicine, 1943, 52, 263 - 264, 1943 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Merck and Co., 1942-1961 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, 1941-1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Inactivity of Nicotinuric Acid in Canine Blacktongue, by W. J. Dann and P. Handler (Introduced by S.A. Perlzweig), Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1941, 48, 355 - 366, 1941 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Oxidation of Some Substituted Alcohols, by Rat Liver, by Frederick Bernhiem and Philip Handler (Introduced, by WLA. Perlzweig); Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental biology and Medicine, 1941, 46, 470 - 471, 1941 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Markle Foundation, 1940-1961 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Catalytic .Action of 8-Hydroxyquinoline on the Oxidation of B-PHaemylenediamine, by Frederick Bernheim and Philip Handler; From Journal of the American Chemical Society, 62, 984 (1940), 1940 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Unprocessed Materials, 1939-1980 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains reprints of Handler's publications. Materials date from 1939 to 1980. view more view less Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982
Reprints, 1939-1969 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains reprints of publications written by Handler. Also contains programs, bulletins, illustrations, exams, staff applications, and correspondence pertaining to the publication of Handler's books. Materials date from 1939 to 1969. view more view less Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982
Carter, Herbert E., 1939-1963 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Pubilcations of Philip Handler, 1939-1956 VOLUME 13 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Unprocessed Materials, 1939-1980
The Metabolism of N-Substituted Amino Acids, by Philip Handler; An Abstract of a Thesis - Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry in the Graduate School of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1939, 1939 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolism of NaAlkyl Derivatives of Amino Acids, by Herbert E. Carter and Philip Handler; From Proceedings of the Society for Experimental biology and Medicine, 1939, 41, 347 - 348, 1939 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Marx, Walter to William A. Perlzweig, 1937-1940 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Klein, J. Raymond, 1935-1947 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Coolidge, Thomas B. to William A. Perlzweig, 1935-1943 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982