National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 3, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 2, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 16, 1980-1982 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 15, 1980-1982 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 14, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 13, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 12, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 1, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 11, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
National Academy of Sciences calendars and agendas, folder 10, 1980-1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
NASA, 1962 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
More book Correspondence, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Mommaerts, W.F.H.M., 1953-1957 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Mode of Action of Parathormone, by Philip Handler, W.J.A. DeMaria, and D.V. Cohn; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 8, No. 1, March, 1949, March, 1949 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolism of Trigonelline, by Jayant G. Joshi and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 237, No. 10, Oct., 1962, October, 1962 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolism of Trigonelline, by Jayant G. Joshi and Philip Handler; From The Journal of biological Chemistry, vol. 237, No. 10, Oct., 1962, October, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolism of Nicotonic Acid and the Pyridine Nucleotides, by Philip Handler; Reprint of a paper to be read at the IVth International Congress of Biochemistry, Vienna, 1-6 Sept. 1958, September 1-6, 1958 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolism of NaAlkyl Derivatives of Amino Acids, by Herbert E. Carter and Philip Handler; From Proceedings of the Society for Experimental biology and Medicine, 1939, 41, 347 - 348, 1939 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolism of Methylnicotinamide, by the Liver of Rats, Rabbits and Guinea Pigs in vitro, by Sylvia F. Hunter and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, vol. 35, No. 2, Feb., 1952, pp. 377 - 383, February, 1952 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Metabolic Complexities of Pellagra by Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, vol. 32, No. 4, April, 1947, pp. 428 - 436, April, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Merck and Co., 1942-1961 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
MEND (manuals for handling mass disaster casualties at Duke Hospital), 1958-1959 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Memorial service, 1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Biographical Materials and Memoirs, 1961-1982
Meek, Geoffrey, 1961-1962 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Med Students' Re-exam, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Med. Student Exams, 1951, 1952-1955 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Medical Students - Correspondence, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Mechanism of Thiamine-Catalyzed Reactions, by Shunzi Mizuhara and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of The American Chemical Society, 76, 571 (1954), 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Mechanism of the Factitious Stimulation of Biological Oxidations, by Hypoxanthine, by Robert M. MacLeod, Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 236, No. 6, June, 1961, June, 1961 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Mechanism of Esterase Action, by Philip Handler and Beverly B. Stewart; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 13, No. 1, March, 1954, March, 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Mead Johnson Laboratories, 1962-1965 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Maximum Rate of Urea Production from various Amino Acids in the Dog, by Henry Kamin and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 1950, March, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Marx, Walter to William A. Perlzweig, 1937-1940 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Markle Foundation, 1940-1961 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Major Metabolic Fuels - Brookhaven Symposia in Biology No. 5, Sept., 1952, September, 1952 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Major Metabolic Fuels; Associated Universities, Inc. Under Contract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission Brookhaven Symposia in Biology No. 5, Sept., 1952, September, 1952 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Macy, Josiah, Jr. Foundation, 1948-1952 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Long-Range Planning Committee, 1958-1959 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Life Insurance Medical Research Fund, 1945-1958 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Les Dernieres Etapes De L0xydation De La Cysteine: L0xydation Du Sulfite, by P. Handler et I. Fridovich, from Collogue Sur La Biochimie Du Soufre, 14-18 Mai 1956, May 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Lederle Laboraties (includes correspondence with William A. Perlzweig), 1933-1955 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Laboratory Exam I, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Laboratory Exam II, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Laboratory Exam III, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969
Laboratory and Classroom Materials, 1932-1969 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains correspondence, exams, course materials, magazines, CVs, and academic records pertaining to his teaching career. Materials date from 1932 to 1969. view more view less Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982
Korkes, Seymou, 1953-1957 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Kondritzer, A.A. to William A. Perlzweig, 1934-1941 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Kohn, Henry I., 1948-1953 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Klein, J. Raymond, 1935-1947 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Kinetics of Beef Heart Glutamic - Alanine Transaminase, by Bernard Bulos and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 240, No. 8, Aug., 1965, August, 1965 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Kinetics of Ammonia Metabolism in vivo, by George D. Duda and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 232, No. 1, May, 1958, May, 1958 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Kinetics of Ammonia Metabolism in vivo, by George D. Duda and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 232, No. 1, May, 1958, May, 1958 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Kettering Institute, 1962-1963 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Kearney, Edna B., 1964 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
J.T. Edsall, 1962-1963 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Iodine-131 Applications, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Introduction, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, July 8, 1961, July 8, 1961 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Introduction, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 20, No. 2, July, Supp. 8, 1961, 1961 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Intermediates in the Synthesis of Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide from Nicotinic Acid, by Jack Preiss and Philip Handler; Reprinted from the American Chemical Society, 79, 4246 (1957), 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Instrumental Artifacts in the Determination of Difference Spectra, by Irwin Fridovich, Walter Farkas, George W. Schwert, Jr., and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Science, June 7, 1957, vol. 125, No. 3258, pp. 1141 - 1142, June 7, 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Institute on Man and Science, Hawaii, 1965-1966 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Institute of Life Insurance, 1951 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health (includes correspondence with Lister Hill, senator), 1961 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Institute for Defense Analyses, 1961-1967 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Inhibition, by Dinitrophenol of the Phosphate- Dependent Catalysis of Sulfite Oxidation, by Metals, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 15, No. 1, March, 1956, March, 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Influence of Thyroid Activity on Liver Lipids in Choline and Cystine Deficiency, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 6, No. 1, March, 1947, March, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Influence of Sulfhydryl Compounds on the Equilibrium of the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Reaction, by Robert M. MacLeod, Irwin Fridovich, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Archives of biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol. 72, No. 1, Nov., 1957, November, 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Influence of Previous Dietary Protein and of ACTH on Block Blucose Concentration of Fasting Rats, by Philip Handler and Ruth 8. Georgiade; Reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology, vol. 164, No. 1, Jan., 1951, January, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Influence of Dietary Factors on Hypertension Induced, by Choline Deficiency, by Philip Handler and Frederick Bernheim; Reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 162, No. 1, July, 1950, July, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Influence of Age on Hepatic Response to Choline and Cystine Deficiency in the Rat, by Philip Handler and Richard H. Follis, Jr.; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine; 1950, V. 75, 567 - 570, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Indoleacetic Acid and Growth of Bacteria With Varying Requirements for Nicotinic Acid and Tryptophane, by Philip Handler and Henry Kamin; Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1947, 66, 251 - 254, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Indiana University, Tracy Sonneborn, 1963-1964 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Inactivity of Nicotinuric Acid in Canine Blacktongue, by W. J. Dann and P. Handler (Introduced by S.A. Perlzweig), Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1941, 48, 355 - 366, 1941 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Importance of Dietary Protein, Calories and Salt in Experimental Renal Hypertension, by Philip Handler and Frederick Bernheim; Reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 160, No. 1, Jan., 1950, January, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Illustration, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hypoxanthine, Cofactor for Cysteine Oxidation, by Liver Preparations, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Biochin. et Biogh. Acta Vol. 21 (1956), 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hypoxanthine, Coenzyme of Sulfite Oxidase, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 14, No. 1, March, 1955, March, 1955 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hypoxanthine As 1A Cofactor for the Enzymatic Oxidation of Sulfite, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 221, No. 1, July, 1956, July, 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Human Protein Requirements and Their Fulfillment in Practice; Proceedings of a Conference in Princeton, United States (1955); Sponsored Jointly, by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, New York, 1955 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Holt, L.E. to William A. Perlzweig, 1943-1944 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Hollaender, Alexander (Oak Ridge), 1966-1967 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Hepatic Aldehydy Oxidase II. Differential Inhibition of Electron Transfer to Various Electron Acceptors, by K.V. Hajagopalan and Philip Handler; Fron The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 239, No. 6, June, 1964, June, 1964 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hepatic Aldehyde Oxidase I. Purification and Properties, by K. V. Rajagopalan, Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 237, No. 3, March, 1962, March, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hepatic Aldehyde Oxidase III. The Substrate-Binding Site, by K.V. Rajagopalan and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 239, No. 6, June, 1964, June, 1964 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1960-1966 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Health Manpower Report, 1967 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Hawaii, Univ. of, 1961 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Hartwick College, 1966 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Handler - Unfinished Book Notes, undated Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Gyorgy, Paul, 1944-1949 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Greenstein Memorial Foundation, 1961 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Gordon Research conferences, 1965 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Goldblatt, Harry, 1951 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Gerontology Society, 1961-1969 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Further Studies of Sulfite Oxidase, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 13, No. 1, March, 1954, March, 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Food Habits of South Dakota Women; Home Economics Department, Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State College, Brookings, Bulletin 451, May, 1955, May, 1955 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry, 1961 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Federation Proceedings - Nutritional Diseases, Sept., 1958, Vol. 17, Supp. No. 2, No. 3, Part II, 1958 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Federal Science Policy, by Philip Handler; From Science, March 3, 1967, vol. 155, No. 3766, pp. 1063 - 1066, March 3, 1967 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Fe 55, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969