Adenylate Kinase Activity in vivo, by Flora-Pearl Cobey and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 12, No. 1, March, 1953, March, 1953 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Stimulation, by 2,4-Dinitrophenol, 3,4- Dihydroxyphenylalanine, and Homogentisic Acid, of uptake of Radioactivity From DL-Tyrosine-2-C14, by Rat Liver Proteins in vitro, by Henry Kamin, Mildred Koons, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 13, No. 1, March, 1954, March, 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Mechanism of Esterase Action, by Philip Handler and Beverly B. Stewart; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 13, No. 1, March, 1954, March, 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Further Studies of Sulfite Oxidase, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 13, No. 1, March, 1954, March, 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hypoxanthine, Coenzyme of Sulfite Oxidase, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 14, No. 1, March, 1955, March, 1955 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Non-Enzymatic Formation of Melanin-like Substance from dl-Tyrosine-2-C14 In The Presence of Polyphenols and Quinones, by Henry Kamin, Mildred A. Koon, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 14, No. 1, March, 1955, March, 1955 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Inhibition, by Dinitrophenol of the Phosphate- Dependent Catalysis of Sulfite Oxidation, by Metals, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 15, No. 1, March, 1956, March, 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Partial Purification of Renal Glutaminase, by Jack D. Klingman and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 16, No. 1, March, 1957, March, 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
What Do Idaho Teenagers Eat?; Idaho Agricultural Extension Service, Bulletin 272, March, 1957, March, 1957 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Biosynthesis of Diphosphoryridine Nucleotide by Jack Preiss (Intr., by C.E. Anderson); Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1958, March, 1958 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
994. Mitochondrial Binding of Dinitrophenol-C, by Henry Kamin and P. Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1958, March, 1958 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
844. Kinetics of Ammonia Metabolism in vivo, by George D. duda and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 17, No. 1, March, 1958, March, 1958 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
1103. Enzymatic Oxidation of Sulfite, by Robert M. MacLeod, Walter Farkas, Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 18, No. 1, March, 1959, March, 1959 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase V. Differential Inhibition of the Reduction of Various Election Acceptors, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 237, No. 3, March, 1962, March, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Hepatic Aldehyde Oxidase I. Purification and Properties, by K. V. Rajagopalan, Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 237, No. 3, March, 1962, March, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Purification and Properties of Nicotinamidase from Torula Cremoris, by Jayant G. Joshi and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 237, No. 3, March, 1962, March, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Science and the Federal Government, by Philip Handler; Arch Dem. vol. 99, March, 1969, March, 1969 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Federal Science Policy, by Philip Handler; From Science, March 3, 1967, vol. 155, No. 3766, pp. 1063 - 1066, March 3, 1967 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Young Scientist - Hour of Decision, Address, by Philip Handler; Presented at the Awards Banquet of the Science Talent Search for Westinghouse Science Scholarships and Awards, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, E.C., March 3, 1969, March 3, 1969 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Young Scientist - Hour of Decision - Address, by Philip Handler, Ph.D., President-elect, National Academy of Sciences, March 3, 1969, March 3, 1969 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969