Xanthine Oxidase VI. Influence of pH on Substrate Specificity, by Louance Greenlee and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 239, No. 4, April, 1964, April, 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase VII. Inhibition, by Amino Group Reagents, by Lorance Greenlee and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 239, No. 4, April, 1964, April, 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase V. Differential Inhibition of the Reduction of Various Election Acceptors, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 237, No. 3, March, 1962, March, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase IV. Participation of Iron In Internal Electron Transport, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 233, No. 6, Dec., 1958, December, 1958 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase I. The Oxidation of Sulfite, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 228, No. 1, Sept., 1957, September, 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase I. The Oxidation of Sulfite, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 228, No. 1, Sept., 1957, September, 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase II. Studies of the Active Site, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 231, No. 2, April, 1958, April, 1958 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Xanthine Oxidase III. Sulfite Oxidation as an Ultra Sensitive Assay, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 233, No. 6, Dec., 1958, December, 1958 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Woodhall, Barnes, 1960-1964 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
William John Dann 1904 - 1948, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Science, July 8, 1949, Vol. 110, No. 2845, page 51, July 8, 1949 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Whipples Intestinal Lipodystrophy, by James P. Hendrix, Bernard Black-Shaffer, Robert W. Withers, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Archives of Internal Medicine, Jan., 1950, vol. 85, pp. 91 - 131, January, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
What Do Idaho Teenagers Eat?; Idaho Agricultural Extension Service, Bulletin 272, March, 1957, March, 1957 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Utilization of the Photosensitized Oxidation of Sulfite for Manometric Actinometry, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Biochim. Bioghys Acta, vol. 35, 1959, 1959 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Use of Radiophosphorus in Studies of Glomerular Permeability of Plasma Inorganic Phosphate, by Philip Handler and David V. Cohn; Reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 164, No. 3, March, 1951, March, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Use of Highly Purified Rations in the Study of Nicotinic Acid Deficiency, by Philip Handler (Introduced, by W.A. Perlzweig); Reprinted from Proceedings of the Society for Experimental biology and Medicine, 1943, 52, 263 - 264, 1943 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Unprocessed Materials, 1939-1980 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains reprints of Handler's publications. Materials date from 1939 to 1980. view more view less Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982
Tribute, North Carolina School of Science and Math, 1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Biographical Materials and Memoirs, 1961-1982
Training Program for Medical Investigators, correspondence with external pharmaceutical companies, 1957-1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
The Young Scientist - Hour of Decision, Address, by Philip Handler; Presented at the Awards Banquet of the Science Talent Search for Westinghouse Science Scholarships and Awards, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, E.C., March 3, 1969, March 3, 1969 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Young Scientist - Hour of Decision Address, by Philip Handler; Presented at the Awards Banquet of the Science Talent Search for- the Westinghouse Science Scholarships and Awards, Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, DC, March 3, 1969, March 3, 1969 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Young Scientist - Hour of Decision - Address, by Philip Handler, Ph.D., President-elect, National Academy of Sciences, March 3, 1969, March 3, 1969 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Use of Positron-emitting Radioisotopes for the Localization of Brain Tumors, by Frank R. Wrenn, Jr., Myron L. Good, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Science, May 4, 1951, vol. 113, No. 2940, pp. 525 - 527, May 4, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Toxicity of Orally Administered Tannic Acid, by Philip Handler and roger D. Baker; Reprinted from Science, May 12, 1944, Vol. 99, No. 2576, p. 393, May 12, 1944 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Specificity of 1(-) - Methionine in Creatine Synthesis, by Philip Handler and Mary L.C. Bernheim, Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 150, No. 2, Oct., 1943, October, 1943 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Significance of Parathyroid Activity in Physiological Regulation of Acid-Base Balance, by Philip Handler and John McCoy; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 6, No. 1, March, 1947, March, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Significance of Fatty Infiltration in the Development of Hepatic Cirrhosis Due To Choline Deficiency, by Handler, Philip and I.N. Dubin; From J. Nutrition, v. 31, No. 2, February, February, 1946 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Role of Thyroid Activity in the Pathogenesis of Hepatic Lesions Due to Choline and Cystine Deficiency, by Philip Handler and Richard H. Follis, Jr.; From Journal of Nutrition, V. 35, No. 6, June, 1948, pp. 669 - 688, June, 1948 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Role of Molybdenum In Xanthine Oxidase and Related Enzymes; Reactivity with Cyanide, Arsenite and Methanol, by MLP. Coughlan, K.V. Rajagopalan, and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 244, No. 10, May 25, pp. 2658 - 2663, 1969, May 25, 1969 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Robert Welch Foundation Research Bulletin - Academic Science and the Federal Government, by Philip Handler; Bulletin No. 22, May, 1968, Houston, Texas, May, 1968 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Reaction of Formaldehyde with Amino Acids: X-Ray Diffraction Patterns, by Allan K. Smith and Philip Handler and J.N. Mequdich; From The Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. 44, No. 7, Oct., 1940, October, 1940 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Quantitative Estimation of Nicotinic Acid in Animal Tissues, by W.J. Dann and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 140, No. 1, July, 1941, July, 1941 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Present Status of Nicotinic Acid, by Philip Handler, Oct. 11, 1947, October 11, 1947 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Presence of Two Species of DNA In Some Halobacteria, by J.G. Joshi, W.R. Guild, and P. Handler; From J. Mol. Biol. (1963) 6, 34 - 38, 1963 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Oxidative Demethylation of Sarcosine to Glycine, by Philip Handler, Mary L.C. Bernheim, and J. Raymond Klein; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 138, No. 1, March, 1941, March, 1941 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Oxidation in vitro of N-Methylamino Acids, by Kidney and Liver, by Philip Handler, Frederick Bernheim, and J. Raymond Klein; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 138, No. 1, March, 1941, March, 1941 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Nutritional value of Food Purchased in 1953, by 146 Urban Families - MSU Consumer Panel Bulletin No. 4, Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station Department of Foods and Nutrition, Technical Bulletin 258, July, 1956, July, 1956 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Nicotinic Acid Content of Meat, by Dann, W.J. and P. Handler; Reprinted from J. Nutrition, V. 24, No. 2, Aug. 10, August 10 1942 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Nicotinic Acid and Coenzyme Content of the Tissues of Normal And Blacktongue Dogs, by W.J. Dann and Philip Handler; From J. Nutrition, V. 22, No. 4, Oct. 10, 1941, October 10, 1941 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Nicotinic Acid and Coenzyme Content of Animal Tissues, by Philip Handler and W.J. Dann; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 140, No. 3, Sept., 1941, September, 1941 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Metabolism of Parenterally Administered Amino Acids II. Urea Synthesis, by Henry Kamin and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 188, No. 1, Jan., 1951, January, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Metabolism of Parenterally Administered Amino Acids III. Amonia Formation, by Henry Kamin and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 193, No. 2, Dec., 1951, December, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Metabolism of Parenterally Administered Amino Acids I. Glycine, by Philip Handler, Henry Kamin, and Jerome S. Harris; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 179, No. 1, May, 1949, May, 1949 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Metabolism of Parenterally Administered Amino Acids I. Glycine;, by Philip Handler, Henry Kamin and Jerome S. Harris; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 7, No. 1, March, 1948, March, 1948 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Metabolism of N-Substituted Amino Acids, by Philip Handler; An Abstract of a Thesis - Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry in the Graduate School of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1939, 1939 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Initial Step in Enzymatic Sulfite Oxidation, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 223, No. 1, Nov., 1956, November, 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Influence of Thyroid Activity on the Liver and Plazma Lipides of Choline - And - Cystine-Deficient Rats, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 173, No. 1, March, 1948, March, 1948 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Inactivation of Pyridine Nucleotides, by Animal Tissues in vitro, by Philip Handler and J. Raymond Klein; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 143, No. 1, March, 1942, March, 1942 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Failure of Skeletal Calcification Produced, by High Lactose and, by Simple Caloric restriction, by Philip Handler (Introduced, by W.J. Dann); Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 5, No. 1, March, 1946, March, 1946 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Enzymatic; Oxidation of Sulfite, by Murray Heimberg, Irwin Fridovich, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 204, No. 2, Oct., 1953, October, 1953 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effects of various Inhibitors of Carbohydrate Metabolism, In vivo, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 161, No. 1, Nov., 1945, November, 1945 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effects of various Inhaibiots of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Vivo, by Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 161, No. 1, Nov., 1945, November, 1945 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effects of Insulin in Fluoride - Poisoned Rats, by Philip Handler, Howard E. Herring, Jr., and John H. Hebb; Reprinted from The Journal of biological Chemistry, vol. 164, No. 2, August, 1946, August, 1946 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effects of Caloric Restriction on Skeletal Growth, by Handler, Philip, George J. Baylin and R.H. Follis, Jr; J. Nutrition, V. 34, No. 6, Dec., pp. 677 - 690, December 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effect of Simultaneous Mineral and Choline Deficiencies on Lover Fat, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 149, No. 1, July, 1943, July, 1943 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effect of Research Emphasis on Research Itself; B. Two Schools of Thought on the Results of Expanding Research Support, An Optimistic View, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Research and Medical Education, Vol. 37, No. 12, Dec., 1962, December, 1962 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effect of Research Emphasis on Research Itself; B. Two Schools of thought on the Results of Expanding Research Support, An Optimistic View, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Research and Medical Education, 1962, 1962 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effect of Pyrazine Acids and Quinolinic Acid on the V-Factor Content of Human Blood and Upon Canine Blacktongue, by W.J. Dann, H.I. Kohn, and P. Handler; From J. of Nutrition, V. 20, No. 5, Nov. 11, 1940, November 11, 1940 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effect of Excessive Nicotinamide Feeding on Rabbits and Guinea Pigs, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 154, No. 1, June, 1944, June, 1944 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Effect of Choline Deficiency on the Fat Content of Regenerated Liver, by Philip Handler and Frederick Bernheim; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 148, No. 3, June, 1943, June, 1943 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Determination of Choline in Biological Material, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Biological Symposia, Vol. XII, 1947, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Bio-Medical Research Training Program of Duke University, by Philip Handler and James B. Wyngaarden; Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Education, Vol. 36, No. 11, Nov., 1961, November, 1961 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Biochemical Defect Underlying the Nutritional Failure of Young Rats on Diets Containing Excessive Quantities of Lactose or Galactose, by Handler, Philip; J. Nutrition, V. 33, No. 2, February; pp. 221 - 234, February, 1947 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Biochemical Defect in Nicotinic Acid Deficiency II. On the Nature of the Anemia, by Philip Handler and William P. Featherston; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 151, No. 2, Dec., 1943, December, 1943 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Biochemical Basis for Reval Hypertension, by P. Handler and F. Bernheim; Reprinted from Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 6, Supplement No. 3, 1951, p. 98, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Absorption Spectra of Iron-Flavoproteins, by K.V. Rajagopalan and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 239, No. 5, May, 1964, May, 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
The Absorption Spectra of Iron-Flavoproteins, by K.V; Rajagopalan and Philip Handler; From Lag Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 239, No. 5, May, 1964, May, 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Ted Bates (nutrition of bread), folder 2, 1959 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Ted Bates (nutrition of bread), folder 1, 1959 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Synthesis of Unusual Quantities of Pyridine Nucleotides, by Human Erythrocytes, In Vitro, by Irwin G. Leder, WHA. Perlzweig and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 1950, March, 1950 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Synthesis of Nicotinic Acid, by the Chick Embryo, by WLJ. Dann and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 140, No. 3, Sept., 1941, September, 1941 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Synthesis of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, by Human Erythrocytes in vitro, by Irwin G. Leder and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 189, No. 2, April, 1951, April, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Synthesis of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, by Human Erythrocyte Hemolystates, by Irwin G. Leder and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Phosphorus Metabolism, Vol. 1, Edited, by William D. McElroy and Bentley Glass, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1951, 1951 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Synthesis of Diphosphopyridine Nucleotide from Nicotinic Acid, by Human Erythocytes in vitro, by J. Preiss and Philip Handler; Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, 79, 1514 (1957), 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Summarizing Remarks, by Philip Handler, From J. Cell and Comp. Physiol., V. 54, Sup. 1, Dec., pp? 259 - 260, December, 1959 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Sulfur 35 Applications, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Associations, 1932-1969
Sulfite Oxidation in Rat Liver, by Irwin Fridovich, Walter Farkas, and Philip Handler; From Bulletin di la Societe Chimie Biologigue, Extrait du Tome XL, No. 12, 1958, pp. 1795 - 1801, 1958 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Sulfite Oxidation, by Xanthine Oxidase, by Irwin Fridovich and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Inorganic Nitrogen Metabolism, Edited, by William D. McElroy and Bentley Glass; The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1956, 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Sulfite Metabolism In E. Coli, by F1A. Cobey and Philip Handler; Elsevier Publishing Co., Feburary, 1956 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Studies on Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase, by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy III. Kinetic Studies, by Rapid Freezing, by Victor Aleman and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 243, No. 10, May 25, pp. 2569 - 2578, 1968, May 25, 1968 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Studies Of Aldehyde Oxidase, by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy I. Spectra At Equilibrium States, by K.V. Rajagopalen and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 243, No. 14, July 25, pp. 3784 - 3796, 1968, July 25, 1968 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Studies of Aldehyde Oxidase, by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy II. Kinetic Studies, by Rapid Freezing by K.V. Rajagopalan and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 243, No. 14, July 25, pp. 3798 - 3806, 1968, July 25, 1968 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Structure and Function of Metalloflavoproteins, by P. Handler and K. V. Rajagopalan; Given at the Seventh International Congress of Biochemistry, Tokyo, Aug. 19 - 25, 1967, August 19-25, 1967 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Structure and Function of Iron-Flavoproteins, by P. Handler, K.V. Rajagopalan, and V. Aleman; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Vol. 23, No. 1, Jan.- Feb., 1964, January-February, 1964 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Stratoscope: Princeton University High Altitude Balloon Astronomy Program, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Stimulation, by Dinitrophenol of Formation of Melanin-Like Substance from Tyrosine, by Rat Liver Homogenates, by Henry Kamin, Mildred A. Koon, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 224, No. 2, April, 1957, April, 1957 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Stimulation, by 2,4-Dinitrophenol, 3,4- Dihydroxyphenylalanine, and Homogentisic Acid, of uptake of Radioactivity From DL-Tyrosine-2-C14, by Rat Liver Proteins in vitro, by Henry Kamin, Mildred Koons, and Philip Handler; Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, vol. 13, No. 1, March, 1954, March, 1954 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
State University of New York at Buffalo lecture, 1965 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Staff Applications ( Old ), undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Speeches and recognition, 1962-1981 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Biographical Materials and Memoirs, 1961-1982
Specificity of the d'Amino Acid Oxidase, by J. Raymond Klein and Philip Handler; From The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 139, No. 1, May, 1941, May, 1941 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Some Postoperative Reactions Pastoperative Reactions of a Basic Scientist, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Report of the Second Institute on Clinical Teaching (1959), 1961, 1959, 1961 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Some Postoperative Reactions, by Philip Handler; Reprinted from Report of the Second Institute on Clinical Teaching, 1961, 1961 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Some Major Issues Concerning the Support of Fundamental Research and Graduate Education in Science, (with comments by Douglas M. Knight and R. Taylor Cole), 1967 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Some Major Issues Concerning The Support of Fundamental Research and Graduate Education in Science, by Philip Handler; Adopted from a Statement Presented at a Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the National Research Council, Washington, March 11, 1967, March 11, 1967 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Soluble Metalloflavoproteins, by V. Aleman, S.T. Smith, K.V. Rajagopalan, and P. Handler; From Non-Heme Iron Proteins: Hole In Energy Conversion, The Antioch Press, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1965, 1965 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Reprints, 1939-1969
Sigma Xi, 1964-1966 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Shemin, David, 1953-1959 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Shell Fellowship, 1952-1954 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Senez, Jacques, 1963 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Professional Correspondence, 1933-1982
Scrapbook materials, folder 9, 1961-1969 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Philip Handler Papers, 1932-1982Biographical Materials and Memoirs, 1961-1982