Contains various iterations of monthly newsletters generated and published by the North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association (NCLPNA), including a small amount of issues of "Correctly Dressed: Licensed Practical Nurses in North Carolina News" (1955-1959), "North Carolina Licensed Practical Nurses Association Newsletter" (1959, 1979), "Cardinal Echo" (1971-1987), "Bulletin" (1988-1990), and "NC Nurse" (1993-1994), as well as publications generated by other North Carolina nursing organizations. Also includes a pamphlet from the Duke Media Center (1974), and an issue of "Heartbeat," a Duke University Medical Center newsletter, dated April 18, 1979. Also includes various publications issued by the Association Institute, including editions of its own newsletter, "Association Newsletter" (1970 and 1973-1975). Series is arranged by title of specific publications when possible. Types of materials include documents, publications, correspondence, photographs, ephemera, and drawings. Materials range in date from 1948 to 2006, and some are undated.