American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994 Bookmark Abstract Or Scope Contains research records and subject files for associates who worked alongside Lieberman during his research for the American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Materials date from 1991 to 1994. view more view less Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998
Duke - Brazil Program, 1992 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Int'l. Coop. Biodiv. Groups - Fogarty, 1992 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Research, 1992 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
Chien, Sabiston, Scarpa, Williams, 1992 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
President Nan Keohane, 1992 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Office of Science and Technology-Duke and NC State, 1992 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Physiology, NRC, etc., 1992 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Graduate school plan, 1992 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Graduate school executive committee, 1992 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Science Research Center Narrative, 1992 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Program Document, Center for Macromolecular Structures, 1992 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Science Research Center, 1992 Box OS1:7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Duke University Annual Report, 1992-1993 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Simone Chebabo - For J, 1993 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Leandro Zimmerman, 1993 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Brophy, Rosen, & Leiden, 1993 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
Medical Center, long range plan, 1993 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Priorities, science and engineering, 1993 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Graduate school, executive committee, 1993 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Academic council, 1993 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Geology, UAP and ORAP, 1993 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Program Document, Center for Macromolecular Structures, 1993 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Remote Control Panels, 1993 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
NIH/RFA, 1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
BioRio/Glaxo Agenda, Aug., 1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Lieberman, Mar., 1994 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
Graduate school, executive committee, 1994 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Academic council, 1994 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
International conference funding, travel [empty folder], 1994 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Administrative space within SRC (DUAP), 1994 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Science Research Center Drawings, 1994 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
LSRC Auditorium AV Equipment, 1994 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Research Policy Committee, 1994-1995 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, NCI core support grant, 1994-1998 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Misc. Corresp., 1995 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
IRI workshop, COC GUIRR, 1995 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
International medical center survey, 1995 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
International affairs, 1995-1996 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Brazil - CAPES, 1996 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Inventions, policies, intellectual properties, 1996 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Trinity Bd. Of Visitors, April 15, 1994 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Acad. Council, April 18, 1991 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Brazil Visitors, April 23, 1993 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Board of Trustees, April 26, 1990 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Acad. Council, April 4, 1991 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Questionnaires, August, 1970 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Summer Educational Enrichment Program - Student Records, 1970-1976
Questionnaires, August, 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Summer Educational Enrichment Program - Student Records, 1970-1976
Exec. Comm. Bd. Of Trustees, August 1989 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
LSRC Dedication, December 10, 1994 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Cogeime (Brazil), December, 1990 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Brazil Visit, December, 1991 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
B/F Report, December 8, 1989 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Board of Trustees Report & Present., December 8, 1989, February 24, 1989 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
President's Council Panel, February 11, 1994 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Duke University Affiliated Physicians (DUAP), 1988-1994
SRI Presentation - Hoechst, February 13, 1991 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Comparative Lab Constr. Costs, February 19, 1990 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Questionnaires, February, 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Summer Educational Enrichment Program - Student Records, 1970-1976
Future Costs of Research - The Next Decade for Academe, National Science Foundation, February, 1987 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Research, February, 1991 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
Research, February 21-23, 1993 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
Board - BF, February 22, 1991 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
G-U-I Roundtable, February 22, 1991 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Science, Technologies & Human Values, February 25, 1993 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Workshop Proposal Title: 'Collaborative Drug Discovery: New Transdisciplinary Approaches' Abstracts, Rio de Janeiro, February 8-10, 1995 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Arts & Sciences Council, January 13, 1994 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Report to Trustees, January , 1990 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Payette--issues; minutes, January, 1991 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Charles E. Putman, January, 1991 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
NSF Frant Proposal Guide, January , 1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Center for International Studies, 1990-1996
Acad. Council - SRI, January 31 & February 21, 1991 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
General Electric Visit, January 7, 1994 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Duke University Affiliated Physicians (DUAP), 1988-1994
Questionnaires, July, 1970 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Summer Educational Enrichment Program - Student Records, 1970-1976
Questionnaires, July, 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Summer Educational Enrichment Program - Student Records, 1970-1976
Questionnaires, July, 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Summer Educational Enrichment Program - Student Records, 1970-1976
International studies, DUMC, July 1995 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Multidisciplinary Research and Education Program in Universities: Making them Work, Robert C. Sproull & Harold H. Hall, June, 1987 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Science Resource Initiatve,; Duke University, June, 1988 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Payette Assoc., Tom Payette; Payette, correspondence; SRI--Expenses, reimburseables/costs, June, 1989 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Research, June, 1992 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
ABB Managers, June 22, 1994 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Research, June 26-29, 1993 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
ORAP retreat, March 10, 1993 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Research, March 1-3, 1992 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Research, 1991-1994
Quest for Excellence-DUMC, Andy Wallace, March 1984, 1986-1987 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Additions, 1984-1998
Schneiderman - Univ. As Research Partners, March 1987 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
The Academic Research Enterprise Within the Industrialized Nations: Comparative Perspectives Report of a Symposium, March, 1990 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
LSRC development brochre, March 1994 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Levine Science Research Center, 1968-1994
Acad. Council - Proposals & Backgrd. Documents, March 22, 1990 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Board of Visitors - Engineering, March 22, 1991 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
B&F, May 10, 1991 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
SRI - Acad. Council, May 11, 1989 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Report to B/F Trustees, May 11, 1990 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Infrastructure - The Capital Requirements for Academic Research, May, 1987 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Present. To Med. Ctr. Faculty, May 1990 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Med. Ctr. Fac., May 2, 1990 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Acad. Council, November 16, 1989 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Cooperative Sciences: A National Study of University and Industry Researchers: Case Studies. National Science Foundation, Vol. II, November, 1984 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Dean's Council, November 20, 1989 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994
Durham/Raleigh Boards - LSRC Program, November 2, 1994 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998Scientific Research Initiative, 1987-1994