This series contains honorary certificates, photographs, slides, and some of Dr. Parker's personal documents. One oversized photograph and several large certificates are stored separately.
This series contains Dr. Parker's correspondence at Duke University, the University of Kentucky, personal correspondence, correspondence with professional and academic societies, and some general correspondence.
Dr. Joseph B. Parker Jr., served in the medical corps of the United States Navy Reserve for four years during World War II. He first came to Duke University medical school to complete his psychiatric education. He went on to serve as an instructor of neuropsychiatry at Duke University from 1948 to 1949 and worked part time in child community clinics in North Carolina. He went on to become an assistant professor and associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Tennessee from 1949 to 1953, where he was the director of the Child Guidance Clinic. Afterwards he served as Associate professor of psychiatry at Duke from 1953 to 1959 and developed a psychiatric service with training and research activities at the new V.A. Hospital. Dr. Parker left Duke in 1959 to serve as professor and chairman of the University of Kentucky's Department of Psychiatry. In 1970, Dr. Parker returned to Duke University Medical Center as a professor of psychiatry and remained in this position until his retirement and serving as professor emeritus.
This series contains various papers and discussions published and presented by Dr. Parker along with some of his notes and research along with reports created to present to committees. Research data relating to the study of manic depression in subjects is stored in a separate box.