100. Program and Policy Directions of the NIH (American Urological Association Lecture), October 17, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
101. The Role of the General Clinical Research Centers in Clinical Research, October 19, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
102. Remarks, Ad hoc Seminar by the Milbank Memorial Fund, October 20, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
103. Talking Points. Foreign Science Councelors Visit to NIG, October 25, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
104. Remarks. Teadwell Library 125th Anniversary, October 28, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
105. Welcoming Remarks. U.S.-Romania Workshop on Biomedical Research: Basic Science Research, NIH, October 31, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
106. Welcoming Remarks. Advisory Group Meeting for Planning of National Symposium on Animal Welfare, October 31, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
107. Inborn Errors of Purine Metabolism, November 2, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
108. Panel Remarks. Funding of Surgical Research: The Roles of Government and Industry, November 4, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
109. NIH Activities. Association of Professors of Medicine Fall Meeting, November 5, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
10. Remarks. U.S. Savings Bond Kickoff Rally, June 3, 1982 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
110. Panel Remarks, U.S. Values and Role, Domestic and International, in the Next Decade, with Particular Focus on Economic and Security Issues and Implications for the Communications Industry, November 5, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
111. Preserving the Scientific Enterprise, November 7, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
112. Introductory Remarks for Dr. Robert Lefkowitz. The Lita Annenberg Hazen Awards for Excellence in Clinical Research, November 9, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
113. Scientific Leadership and Creativity. Anlyan Symposium, Duke Univeristy, November 11, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
114. Banquet Address. The Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces, November 13, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
115. Pressures, Politics, and Ethical Decisions, November 17, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
116. Welcoming Remarks, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Public Forum on Gene Therapy, November 21, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
117. Remarks, Groundbreaking Ceremony, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, November 22, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989
118. The Federal-Academic Partnership in Biomedical Research, November 22, 1983 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Speeches, 1982-1989