Publication 196: Government, Industry, and Academia: A Bermuda Triangle?, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Reprints and Interview, 1979-1988
Publication 228: Aging as a Priority in Research, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003A2006-054: Records and Speeches, 1982-1993Reprints and Interview, 1979-1988
Thyroid, undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Horecker, undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Chromotography, undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Xanthine, undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context James B. Wyngaarden Papers, 1958-2003Laboratory Notebooks, undated