Photographs; AOA Convention, June 1979, Cerromar Beach, Puerto Rico, June 1979 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Breakers 1991, 1991, 1994, 1996 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Distinguished Civilian Service Army, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Duke 1980, 1980 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Duke Hospital, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Eleventh Annual J. Leonard Goldner Visiting Professor- Richard H. Gelberman, June 8-11, 2003 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Goldner with Patients, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Greece- Athens Delphi Cruise, October 23-November 4, 1989, October 23-November 4, 1989 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Greenbrier Hotel, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- 1977, 1977 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- American British Canadian Traveling Fellows, 1955 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Asheville School, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Duke Hospital Staff, April 1, 1931 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Duke Residents, April 1949, April 1949 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Duke Training Program, Greenville, 1947 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Goldner, Baker, and Urbaniak, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Interurban Orthopedic Club, 1971 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Interurban Society, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- January 1972, January 1972 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photographs- Miscellaneous, 1985, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Orthopedic Doctors, Durham, 1953 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Piedmont Orthopedic Society, 1961, 1982 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Sea Island 1960, 1960-1969 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Shriners Hospital, circa 1948 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Staff, Duke University School of Medicine, Nursing and Dietetics and Duke Hospital, July 19, 1930 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- UNMC Class of 1943, 50th Reunion, 1993 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Visiting Professor, University of Alabama, January 1984 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Group Photograph- Visiting Professors to Duke, James Edinburgh, Jim Urbanick, and J. Leonard Goldner, 1969 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Herndon, JLG Visiting Professor- May; Galveston- May; Boca Raton- June, May-June 1997 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Homestead 1957, 1957 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Interurban- Pittsburgh, September 29, 1994, September 29, 1994 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; J. Leonard and Eunice Kensinger Goldner, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; J. Leonard Goldner Portrait, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Joe Markee, Jack Hughston, Hans Lowenbach, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Los Angeles, California- 1987, 1987 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Manitoba 1973, June 1973 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Meeting, September 11, 1996; Hand Meeting, October 2, 1996; Neil Green, October 9, 1996, September-October 1996 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Military Related, 1988, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; New Orleans 1963, 1963 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Party at Joe Parker's- January 1975, January 1975 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Philadelphia, March 1974 (Robert Carrol, Guy Pulvertaft, J. Leonard Goldner), 1974 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Piedmont Orthopedic Society, 1961, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Piedmont- Sea Island 1993, 1993 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Pittsburgh- Bob Gains Visiting Professor AOA, Nancy and John leaves Durham, 1995 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Portrait- Eunice Kensinger Goldner, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Potraits- J. Leonard Goldner, 1968, 1996, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Rockwood- Visiting Professor, 1999 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Royal Canadian Yachy Club, 1992 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010
Photographs; Sea Island, May 1979, 1979 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context J. Leonard Goldner Papers, 1930-2013Photographic and Visual Materials, 1930-2010