Maria, RNA DNAgels, 1982-1985 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Hybrids, 1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Methods, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 3, 1982-1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 4, 1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 4, 1987-1989 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 5, 1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 6, 1983-1984 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 7, 1984 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Marker Tables, undated Box 55 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Melanie Mahtani, Alpha sat array size X chrom book 1, 1989 Box 9b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Mennonite Info, undated Box 52 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Methods, 1993 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Methods + Product Manuals Willard Lab: Karen Hayden (black binder), 2005-February 2009 Box 129 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Methods, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Methods, Willard, undated Box 86a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
MGS, 1998 Box 34a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
MGS, 1999 Box 34a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
MGS, 2000 Box 34b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Michelle Ghert, Bio 180, 1990 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
...Mint Xist, 1992 Box 28 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Miscellaneous HACS: Joydeep Bassu (folder), undated Box 112 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2012-037: Laboratory Notebooks, 2004-2010
MKR1, undated Box 92 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
MKR2, undated Box 92 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
MKR3, undated Box 92 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
MKR 4, undated Box 94 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
MKR 5, undated Box 94 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
MKR 6, undated Box 94 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
MKR 7, undated Box 95 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
M. Mahtani, Alpha Satellite Array Sizes, X Chromosome Book 2 of 2, 1990 Box 9a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Ceph linkage Xpericen, IB point map, 1990-1991 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Correspondence, 1991-1994 Box 9a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, CPX210 Can, allele freq, CEPH, 1992 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Denise Saker, 1993 Box 9a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, p8, p58, XZ clones ATCC, 1988-1989 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Push Pulls, 1991 Box 9a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Recomb Repression in alpha sat on x chrom, summary, analysis, 1993 Box 28 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. MahtaniSB 1.8 I, 1991-1992 Box 9a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, SB 1.8 II, 1992-1993 Box 9a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Sequence Misc., 1992-1995 Box 9b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, STR polymorphs, STRXI, AR, PGKIPI, 1992-1993 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Xi17 Xlocation 2D gels cell line 9363, 1990 Box 36 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani X,Y Chromosome Array: Huntington Willard (green binder), 1989 Box 143 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
M. Mahtani, X,Y chromosome arrays alpha sat, restriction maps, 1993 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani Y Chromosome Array Sizes: Huntington Willard (blue binder), 1992 Box 143 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
M. Mahtani, Y chromosome array sizes, modality testing program analysis, 1990 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
M. Mahtani, Yxp YAC's from GJ Van Ommen, 1991-1993 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
MMV Hayden/Parris: Karen Hayden (white binder), 2011 Box 128 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
MMV: Karen Hayden (black binder), 2008-February 2009 Box 128 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
MOESIN and X912 SRO Sequence, 1997 Box 56 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Mouse Data: Karen Hayden (white binder), 2010 Box 128 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Mouse Minor Satellite Analyses Book 1: Karen Hayden (white binder), May 17, 2006 Box 128 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Mouse Satellite Analysis Detailed Notes Book 2: Karen Hayden (white binder), May 17, 2006 Box 128 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Mouse Xi, survey, ABI traces, undated Box 101 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
MSC/MACS: Jason Glaw (green notebook), 2004 Box 116 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2012-043: Laboratory Notebooks, 2003-2012
Mu polymorphic project, 1999-2000 Box 99 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
Mutase 1, 1976 Box 75a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Mutase 2, 2005 Box 75a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Mutase 4, undated Box 81a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Mutase 5, undated Box 79b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Needs Attention, research paper publishing discussion: Karen Hayden (yellow folder), 2012 Box 130 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Negative File, 1989-1990 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Negative File, undated Box 86a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Nicholas Schork, Gene 504, undated Box 52 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Nick Translations, 1986 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
No. 3, 1-Oct-00 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
No. 4, 2001 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
No. 5, 2002 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
No. 6, 2002 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
nonX chr gene sequencing maps, undated Box 98 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
Notebook Copy research notes: Kate Kucera (white binder), May 2006-March 2010 Box 133 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Notebook of materials created by Huntington F. Willard, undated Box 93 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Katie Rudd laboratory notebooks, undated
[Notes], 1996 Box 43a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
[Notes and film], 1990 Box 44a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Notes: Erin Strome (brown binder), undated Box 113 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2012-037: Laboratory Notebooks, 2004-2010
Notes: Hye Ran Lee (black binder), 2009 Box 118 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2012-043: Laboratory Notebooks, 2003-2012
Notes II, undated Box 86a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Notes: Kat Mitchel (gray notebook), undated Box 113 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2012-037: Laboratory Notebooks, 2004-2010
NP 1600, undated Box 82b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Nuclei Chromatin, 2-sat transfections, 1988 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Nuclei prep, DNA isolation blood cells et, 1982 Box 78b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Numerical Chromosome Harvest Listing, undated Box 35b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Old MMV Files: Karen Hayden (brown accordian folder), 2008-February 2009 Box 130 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Oligos: Cory Valley (black binder), 2005-February 2008 Box 138 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Oligos : Cory Valley (white binder), October 2006-May 2008 Box 138 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2015.002: Laboratory Notebooks, undated
Outside Mapping, undated Box 62 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Part Time Mary 1 Blots 83-98B, 1994-1996 Box 58a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Paul Sadvioski Rotation, undated Box 81b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
PCR, 1994 Box 55 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
PCR Julie Horvath: Julie Horvath (blue binder), 2005-2008 Box 117 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2012-043: Laboratory Notebooks, 2003-2012
PCR Primers AAC, 1998 Box 54 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
PCR's and RT's etc No. 2, 2003-2005 Box 99 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
PCR sequence cloning (screen davies library for specific sequences), 1983 Box 29 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
PCR's, RT's etc, 2004-2005 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
PCR's, RT's, gels, 2002 Box 100 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2005-040: Laboratory Notebooks, 1999-2005Lisa Chadwick laboratory notebooks, undated
Peter, Cosmids 2, 1987 Box 23a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Peter Warburton (?), 2D and PFGE mapping, 1989 Box 30a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Peter Warburton.?, cos 1 Peter cosmids, 1987 Box 30b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Peter Warburton (?), cos final or bust, 1987-1989 Box 30a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Peter Warburton (?), sequence analysis, 1991-1992 Box 30a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005