Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 6, 1983-1984 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
WillardTissue Culture 2, 1982 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 4, 1987-1989 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Carolyn Brown, Tissue Culture 2, 1988-1990 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Donna Munroe, Methods 1, 1984 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Donna Munroe, Tissue Culture 3, 1986-1987 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Donna Munroe, Tissue Culture 1, 1984-1985 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 3, 1982-1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Hybrids, 1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Caroyln B., Tissue Culture, 1987 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Donna Munroe, Transfection Assays, 1986 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Donna Munroe, Tissue Culture 2, 1985-1986 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Donna Munroe, Tissue Culture 1 (ts cells), 1984 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 7, 1984 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Tissue Culture 4, 1983 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Maria Tzetis, Methods, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Methods, 1993 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Amy A., Sequencing, 1994 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
35mm Film 181-199 Book 10, 1990 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
35mm Film 220-236 Book 12, 1991 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
35mm Film 237-256 Book 13, 1991 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Random Software Docs PKARC, 1987 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
X Linked RP, X Linked CSNB, 1988-1989 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
ZXD/Sequence Analysis Contigs, 1991-1993 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Nick Translations, 1986 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
[Drift], 1990 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Jun's Documents in Willard Lab, 2000 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
ACGM Clin Gent Guidelines, 1994 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Affinity Chromatography, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Sequencing 2kd Hind III, 1986 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Linkage Docs, 1987-1989 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
X alpha satellite conventional gels, 1987-1988 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
[Lab notes], 1990-1991 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Sequencing Ligations, 1991-1992 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
VAC probe rotation, Bail, 1993 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Linkage II Xpencer, CEPH Linkage, 1990 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Negative File, 1989-1990 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
alpha 13/alpha 21 I, 1990-1992 Box 16a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
alpha 13/alpha 21 II, 1990 Box 16a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
G.M.G., beta blots Book I, 1988-1991 Box 16a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
alpha 21 low copy/alpha x, y, 5, 18, 20, 1987-1989 Box 16a Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
[Cecil Sharp], 1988-1989 Box 16b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
[Films], undated Box 16b Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Tissue Culture (hybrids, fibroblasts), 1992 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Sequencing, 1996 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Jeff McConnell, [runs, sample sheets], 1995 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
[Runs, sample sheets], 1996 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Gerry Babcock, [lab notes, protocols], 2001 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Freezer Inventory, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005
Radiation Survey, Theroquest, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Huntington F. Willard Papers and Records, 1975-2013A2004-075: Laboratory Notebooks, 1975-2005