Reprint; "American Registry of Physical Therapy Technicians-Its Importance" (by John S. Coulter and Marion G. Smith) from the Archives of Physical Medicine, Volume 27, 1946 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Anterior Poliomyelitis" (by James Warren Sever) from the Interstate Medical Journal, Volume 21 Number 5, 6, 7, and 8, 1914 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Anterior Poliomyelitis: Physical Treatment in Southern California" (by O. Leonard Huddleston, Elizabeth Austin, Richard W. Moore, Rene Cailliet, and David Rubin) from the British Journal of Physical Medicine, 1952 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Approved Schools for Physical Therapy Technicians" (Revised by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals) from the Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 118, 1942 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Atrophy of Muscle and Bone Resulting from Joint Disease, Injury, and Fixation" (by Robert M. Lovett) from the Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 58, 1912 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Cerebral Palsy" (by Winthrop Morgan Phelps) from Public Health Nursings, 1939 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Cerebral Palsy and Poliomyelitis as they Concern the Family Doctor, the Orthopaedist, and the Neurologist" (by Winthrop Morgan Phelps) from the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1938 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Challenge to Physical Therapy in Present Day Medicine" (by Eleanor Flanagan and helen Kaiser) from the Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association, Volume 42 Number 6, 1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Council on Physical Therapy: The Management of the Cerebral Palsies" (by Winthrop Morgan Phelps) from the Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 117, November 8, 1941 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Croonian Lecture on Muscular Movemnets" and "Remarks on Paralysis of the Movements of the Trunk in Hemiplegia" (by Charles Beevor) from the British Medical Journal, 1903, 1909 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Department of Physical Medicine: Long Range Insurance for all General Hospitals, 1946 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Early Treatment of Poliomyelitis" (Robert W. Lovett) from the Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 78, 1922 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Differential Characteristics of Spasticity and Athetosis in Relation to the Therapeutic Measures" (by Winthrop Morgan Phelps) from the New York State Journal of Medicine, Volume 14 Number 18, September 15, 1941 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Education for Childbirth: With Emphasis on the Role of the Physical Therapist" (by Eleanor Flanagan, jacqueline Heneage, and John R. Ashe) from the Physical Therapy Review, 1955 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Electronic Method of Measuring and Recording Resistance to Passive Muscle Stretch" (by John D. Riebel and Blaine S. Nashold, Jr.) from the American Physical Therapy Association, Volume 42 Number 1, 1962 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Essentials of an Acceptable School of Physical Therapy" (Prepared by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association) and Revisions, 1949-1955 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "An Experimental Study in the Neonatal Guinea Pig on a Possible Case of Cerebral Palsy" (by Eleanor Flanagan and R. Frederick Beeker) from the Physical Therapy Review, Volume 38 Number 11, 1958 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "Fatigue and Exercise in the Treatment of Infantile Paralysis: A Study of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Six Cases" (by Robert W. Lovett) from the Journal of the American Medical Association, 1917 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "The Future of Physical Medicine X: Relations to Other Professions Concerned with Rehabilitiation" (by Catherine Worthingham) from the American Journal of Physical Medicine, Volume 36 Number 6, 1957 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005
Reprint; "A Fundamental of Democracy" (by Leonard P. Bradford) from Adult Education, Volume 2 Number 4, 1952 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Helen Kaiser Papers, 1903-2005Records, 1903-2005