157-2005-xxxx, folder 1, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 2, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 3, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 4, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 5, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 6, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 7, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, folder 8, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
157-2005-xxxx, undated Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996
349-xxxxxx, Conrad Richter, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
349-xxxxxx, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996
381-xxxx, HHMI Research Resources, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
381-xxxx, North CarolinaBC Grant, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996
383-2867, Glaxo Welcome Collaborative Research, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
391-2902, Governor's Institute on Alcohol Abuse, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
391-2907, Graduate Student Fund, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
391-3209, Hanes Fund, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
391-3209-xxxx, undated Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995Fund codes, undated
391-8815, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Equipment, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
391-8890, Faculty Assistance Fund, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
394-3211, HHMI Library Support, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
394-xxxx HHMI Library Support, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996
459-xxxx, Shared Resources Reserve Fund, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996
6220, Professional Services, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6408, Computer Supplies, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6450, Lab/Res. S and M, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6452, Bookbinding, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6460, Office Supplies, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6461, Subscriptions, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6470, Publication Expense, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6672, Computer Repair, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6771, Furnishings, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6774, Computers/Accessories, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6776, Computer Software, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6821, Eng. and Opers., undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6886, Telephone Maintenance, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6899, Eng. and Opers., undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6902, Advertising and Publicity, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6908, Legal Fees, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6916, Contract Work, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6928, Employee Interview Expense, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6932, Entertainment, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6936, Postage/Fed. Ex., undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6960, Meetings/Luncheons, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6965, Parking, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6980/82, Telephone, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
6986, Travel and Living Expenses, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7120, Audiovisual, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7140, Printing and Design, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7141, Copy Equipment Rental, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7142, Copying Recharge, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7161, Conference Service, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7166, Bulk Mail, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7334, Computer Repair, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7565, Office Products Recharge, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
7991, Temporary Services Recharge, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
850-0250, Biochemistry, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Fund Codes Accounting, 1996-1997
850-xxxx, Biochemistry, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996
A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
A2008-077: Additions, November 2008 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
AAALAC Description, Duke University Animal Care Program, 1995 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
AAALAC Site Visit, 1995 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
AA Budget Spread Sheets, 1995-1996 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1994-1996
AAMC, 1993-1994 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
AAMC, 1993-1994, 1995 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Academic affairs, General, 1991-1994 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Academic Council, 1992 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1993
Academic Council, 1993-1994 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Academic Council, 1995 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, 1992 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1992-1995Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, undated
Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, 1993-1994 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1992-1995Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, undated
Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, 1994-1995 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1992-1995Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, undated
Accounting, Calendar and Ralph Snyderman correspondence, undated Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1992-1995
Accounting Files, 1993-1995 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
Accounting Files, 1995-1996 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
Accounting Reports, 1994-1995 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1994-1996
Accounting Reports, 1995-1996 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1994-1996
Accreditation Site Visit, 1992 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996Animal Care Facilities, undated
Accreditation, undated Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Administrative assistant, Academic Affairs, Jean Senter, undated Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
A Duke Plan, Positioning Duke for the Twenty-First Century, undated Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Advisory Committee on Development and Transfer of Biotechnology, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996North Carolina Biotechnology Center, undated
Alex Brown Investment management, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996ASBMB, Correspondence, 1993-1994
Alphabetical File, 1987-1996 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
Alumni Awards (Medical), undated Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
American Chemical Society, 1991-1994 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
American Chemical Society, 1995 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
American Medical Association, undated Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), 1995 Box 19 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Anatomical Gifts Program, undated Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Anesthesiology, 1994 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departments, 1991-1994
Anesthesiology, 1995 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Anesthesiology Department of J.G. Reves, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Anesthesiology, Five Year Review, undated Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning, 5-Year, departments, 1991-1997
Anesthesiology Review, 1996 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Anesthesiology, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning departmental reports, 1994
Anesthesiology, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning departmental reports, 1993
Anesthesiology, undated Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning, 5-Year, departments, 1991-1997
Animal Care Facilities and Amicus Curiae Brief, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Animal Care Facilities, Rahja, folder 1, undated Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003