Ethics, undated Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Ethics, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Ethics and Humanities, Study for the Center, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Ethics, 1994 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Entertainment, undated Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1993-1995
Entertainment, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996157-2005-xxxx, undated
Engineering, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Engineering Task Force, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Review, 1995 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1994-1996
Endocrinology, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Emergency Task Force, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Eli Lily, undated Box 31 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Corporations, undated
Eli Lilly, 1992 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Corporations, 1991-1994
Duke University Medical Center web site, folder 3, ca. 1996 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center web site, folder 2, ca. 1996 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center web site, folder 1, ca. 1996 Box 25 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center Sponsored Research Report, 1989-1993 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke University Medical Center Long Range Plan, folder 4, 1991-1997 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center Long Range Plan, folder 3, 1991-1997 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center Long Range Plan, folder 2, 1991-1997 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center Long Range Plan, folder 1, 1991-1997 Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Duke University Medical Center Department of Cell Biology Faculty Handbook, September, 1992 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Duke University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 1993-1994 Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Duke University Institutional Animal Care and Lease Committee, undated Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Duke University Hospital Annual Financial Report, June 30, 1991 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke University Health System Strategy, Committee, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Duke University Health System Long Range Plan Progress Report, May, 1995 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke University Health System Inpt. Market Share Overview MCIS Procedures, undated Box 28 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Duke University Financial Report, 1993-1994 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke University Deparments, undated Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Duke School of Medicine Mission Statement, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Duke Institute on Care at End of Life Planning Cam., undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Duke Hospital medical Staff Bylaws, December 7, 1991 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke Endowment, 1992-1993 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Duke Digest of Cancer, Vol. 2, 1995 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center Progress Report, 1993 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Doris Duke Clinical Scientist Award, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Division of Laboratory Animal Resources, undated Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning, 5-Year, departments, 1991-1997
Division of Laboratory Animal Resources Search Committee Box 13 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Division of Audiovisual Education Background Material, folder 2, 1991 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Division of Audiovisual Education Background Material, folder 1, 1991 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Distinguished Chair Nominations, 1995 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Distinguished Chair Nominations, 1990-1994 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Distinguish Duke Center for integrated Medicine, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Director, Division of Laboratory Animal Resources Search Committee, folder 2, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Director, Division of Laboratory Animal Resources Search Committee, folder 1, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Development Office, School of Medicine, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Development and Alumni Affairs, undated Box 27 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Department Updates, 1998 Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998
Department of Pathology Faculty Handbook, undated Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Reports, Handbooks, and Bylaws, 1987-1995
Department of Oncology and Transplantation, undated Box 34 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Department of Microbiology External Review, 1995 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Department of Cell Biology External Review, 1995 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Department of Biostatics and Informatics, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Departmental Reviews, Chemistry, 1991 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Departmental Long Range Plan Back-up Material, 1993 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Departmental Files, 1991-1998 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
Departmental Files, 1991-1993 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008
Departmental Budgets, 1995-1996 Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Chronological Files, 1994-1996
Departmental Academic Plans, 1992-1993 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Departmental, 1993-1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Deans Council, 1993-1994 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Dean's Committee for the Veteran's Administration, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Dean of Medical Education search Committee, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Cytel, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Crystallography, 1991-1993 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departments, 1991-1994
CRU Director Search, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Cristian R.H. Raitz, undated Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996North Carolina Biotechnology Center, undated
Correspondence, General, 1991-1993 Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1993
Correspondence, 1991-1994 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996Animal Care Facilities, undated
Corporations, undated Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Corporate/University Interactions, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Subject Files, 1988-1994
Contract Work, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996157-2005-xxxx, undated
Continuing Medical Education, folder 4, 1987-1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Continuing Medical Education, folder 3, 1987-1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Continuing Medical Education, folder 2, 1987-1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Continuing Medical Education, folder 1, 1987-1994 Box 8 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Conflict of Interest, General, 1995 Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Conflict of Interest, Dermatology, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Conflict of Interest Comp., 1995 Box 18 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Conflict of Interest Committee, undated Box 30 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Committees, undated
Conflict of Interest Committee, 1992-1994 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Committees, 1991-1994
Conflict of Interest, 1991-1994 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Computer Supplies, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996157-2005-xxxx, undated
Computers, undated Box 26 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003
Computer Software, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996157-2005-xxxx, undated
Computers, 1991-1993 Box 7 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Alphabetical File, 1987-1996
Computer Repair, undated Box 16 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Accounting Files, 1995-1996157-2005-xxxx, undated
Computer Advisory Committee, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Comprehensive Cancer Center, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning departmental reports, 1994
Comprehensive Cancer Center, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning departmental reports, 1993
Comprehensive Cancer Center, undated Box 24 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning, 5-Year, departments, 1991-1997
Comprehensive Cancer Center, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008A2004-004: Subject Files, 1994-2003Duke University Deparments, undated
Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1995 Box 17 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Departmental Files, 1991-1998
Community and Family Medicine, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning departmental reports, 1994
Community and Family Medicine, undated Box 23 Bookmark Collection Context Gordon G. Hammes Papers and Records, 1987-2008Long Range Planning Materials, 1991-1998Long Range Planning departmental reports, 1993