Contains materials pertaining to funding from the Agency for Health Care Policy Research, grant number 1 R01 HSO5693 and additional funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, grant number 12412.
Contains Impact of Hospital Ownership Changes on Communities in the Carolinas as conducted by the Center for Health Policy Research and Education (CHPRE) in collaboration with Department of Community Medicine. The study was funded by Duke Endowment/Fullerton from March 1, 1997 to February 28, 1998.
Contains survey and research materials pertaining to TennCare, drug formularies, hospital conversions, alcohol studies, and the Delaware project. Materials date from 1989 to 2003.
Contains research materials for studies and surveys on the subjects of alcohol abuse and bartenders, no-fault insurance, and medical malpractice. Materials date from 1988 to 2000.
Contains class notes, drug formularies, workshop sessions materials, and medical malpractice research materials. Some Empirical Studies in NAIC Data is a computer printout notebook. Materials date from 1987 to 1990.