Criteria for Retirement: A Re-examination,' Busse and Kreps, The Gerontologist', September 1964 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Shmavonian, B.M. and Busse, E.W., 'Phychophysiological Techniques in the Study of the Aged,', 1963 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Solving Emotional Problems, C. Jackson, Harvest Years, June 1963 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Busse, E.W., 'Viewpoint,' Geriatrics, 18:3, 60A-68A, March 1963 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Significance of Focal EEG Changes in the Elderly,' Busse and Obrist, Postgraduate Medicine, 34:3, 179-182', August 1963 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Psychological Aspects of Aging-The Aging Mind,' in Medical Aspects of Aging, Symposium, VA Hospital, Salisbury, NC; Published in North Carolina Medical Journal, 24:5, 194-195', March 14-15, 1963 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Helping Your Older Patients Adjust to Impaired Perception,' Consultant, 3:3, 40-42', March 1963 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Findings from the Duke Geriatrics Research Project on the Effects of Aging,' Chapter in Soc and Psychological Aspects of Aging', 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Busse, E.W., Preliminary Address at Duke Symposium on Space Research, May 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Relation of the EEG to Intellectual Function in Senescence,' Journal of Gerontology, Obrist, Busse,', April 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Background Paper on Research in Gerontology: Medical, Excerpta Medica, Sect. XX, January 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Measurement of Age Identification: A Methodologic Note,' Jeffers, Eisdorfer, Busse', 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Some Emotional Complications of Chronic Diseases,' E.W. Busse, The Gerontologist, 2:3', September 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Identifying and Meeting the Emotional Needs of the Geriatric Patient,' Busse (Williamsburg paper)', 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Spotlight on Aging, in U.S. Government Documents, Aging With A Future, April 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Research in Gerontology: Medical White House Conference on Aging, 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
How Much Sleep Must You Get to be Really Healthy?,' E.W. Busse', 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Hobbies and Recreation Vital for Retired People,' Fifty Plus, 1:5, 43', July 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Can You Relieve or Prevent Periods of Depression?,' Fifty Plus, 1:4, 43', June 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Spotlight on Research, Rehabilitation Record, 2:2, 31:35, March-April 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Spotlight on Research, Rehabilitation Record, 2:2, 31:35, March-April 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Physical Problems of Older People,' Dovenmuehle, Busse, and Newman, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society', 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
How to Handle the Elderly Hypochondriac,' Busse, E.W., RISS', February 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Psychiatric Management of the Aged,' Busse, E.W. and Reckless, J.B., Journal of the American Medical Association 175:8, 645-648', February 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Relation of EEG to Blood Pressure in Elderly Persons,' Obrist, Busse, Henry, Neurology', February 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Psychiatric Management of the Aged,' (abstract) in Carrier Clinic', 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Social Growth and Development of Older People - Psychological and Physical Factors,' Busse, Lake, Mohonk', 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Busse, E.W., Chapter, 'Psychoneurotic Reactions and Defense Mechanisms in the Aged,', 1961 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Aging and Personal Relations, in Shock's Aging, 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Physical Problems of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Elderly Persons,' Dovenmuehle, Newman, and Busse', 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Comparative Accuracy in Localization of Brain Tumors by Air Contrast Radiology, etc.,' Green and Busse', 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Problems Affecting Psychiatric Care of the Aging,' Geriatrics, Busse, E.W.', October 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Mental Disorders of the Aging in W. Johnson's The Older Patient, 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Busse, E.W., 'The Health and Adjustment of the Aged Person,' Public News Welfare, September 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Panel Discussion - 'Growing Older - The Medical, Mental, and Social Problems of the Aged,' Bortz, Busse, undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Neurotic Symptoms and Predisposition in Aging People,' Busse and Dovenmuehle, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society', May 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Psychoneurotic Reactions of the Aged,' Busse, Dovenmuehle, Brown, Geriatrics', February 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Clinical Principles Underlying Administrative Practices,' Busse, E.W., Mental Hospitals', February 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Lack of Progress in Geriatric Psychiatry,' Busse, E.W., Excerpta Medica, 3:1, pp. 3-6', January 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Current research on Aging, Busse, E.W., Public Health Reports, December 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Organization and Functions of Medical Sociology in a University Medical Center,' Preiss, J. and Busse, E.W., undated', undated Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Health and Adjustment of the Aged Person,' North Carolina Medical Journal, Busse, E.W.', November 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Alteration in Neurologic Status With Age,' Newman, Dovenmuehle, and Busse, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society', December 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Health and Adjustment of Older People,'', July 1960 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Wais Performance of an Aged Sample: The Relationship Between Verbal and Performance IQs,' Eisdorfer, Busse, Cohen', 1959 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
A Review of Drugs in the Elderly Psychiatry Patient,' Silverman, M., Parker, J.B., and Busse, E.W.', October 1959 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Senescent Electroencephalogram,' (abstract), Journal of Gerontology, Vol. 14, No. 4', October 1959 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
Proceedings of the First National Conference of the Joint Council to Improve the Health Care of the Aged (Wash., D.C.), June 1959 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
The Etiology and Treatment of Psycho-neurotic Reactions in the Aged,' Abstract in Carrier Clinic', February 1959 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995
How to Treat a Hypochondriac, Busse, E.W., Journal of Lifetime Living, Vol. 24, No. 11, pp. 52-54, May 1959 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Ewald W. Busse Papers, 1945-2003Reprints, 1945-1995