Contains reprints of articles written by Elon H. Clark on the subject of medical illustration, prostheses, and medical art. Materials range in date from 1940 to circa 1970.
Contains designs, drafts, and final products of materials commissioned by Duke University and the Duke University Medical Center. Also contains personal designs. Some materials are unsigned, but can be attributed to Clark based on correspondence. Materials range in date from 1940 to 1973.
Contains a speech, conference presentation notes, memoranda, greeting card, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1933 to 1991, with the bulk of material undated.
Contains the personal and professional papers of Elon H. Clark (1909-2001), who served as coordinator and professor of the Department of Medical Illustration from 1934 to 1974. Also contains materials pertaining to the establishment and operation of many departments within the Duke University Medical Center including the Medical Illustration and Audiovisual Education (both now part of Educational Media Services in the Duke University School of Medicine), the Facial Prostheses Unit, and Medical Center Archives. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, memoranda, budgets, planning materials, sketches, illustrations, reprints, clippings, photographs, short writings, grant materials, rosters, and memorabilia. Major subjects include the Duke University Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center Archives, memorabilia, hospital planning, medical illustration, prostheses, and implants. Major correspondents include W. C. Davison, Sam Agnello, William G. Anlyan, and Barnes Woodhall. Materials range in date from 1920 to 1991, with the bulk dating from 1940 to 1973.
Contains personal and professional correspondence. Subjects include medical illustration, education, employment opportunities, leisure activities, and authorship of biographical works. Correspondence with Max Brodel also includes Brodel family memorabilia circa 1920-1940. Materials range in date from 1920 to 1977.