Memorial; Richard Pearse, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Photographs, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
"The Pre-Marital Medical Examination", undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
[Psychol.], undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Unidentified Talk Notes, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
American Committee on Maternal Welfare Inc.; Life Membership Certificate, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
Founders Society of the Foundation for Better Health of Durham; Membership Endowed Certificate, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society; Eleanor B. Easley, MD, President (1961-1962) Plaque, undated Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
"Women's Problems", circa 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Adolescence and Psychosocial Interrelationships", circa 1965 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Medical Pamphlets, circa 1960, 1982, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Professional Papers, 1942-1983
"Nursing Problems", circa 1947 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Duke University Medical Center; Dedication of Eleanor Easley Birthing Suite Invitation, 2000 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
Memorial; Eleanor Easley Eulogy (by Martha Bill Easley Weierman), 1998 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Memorial; Eleanor Easley Eulogy (by Betty A. Hodges), 1998 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Memorial; Eleanor Easley Eulogy (by Dr. Phil Pearce), 1998 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Memorial; Eleanor Easley Funeral Program, 1998 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Memorial; Eleanor Easley Memorial Record, 1998 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Memorial; Eleanor Easley Obituaries and Condolences, 1998 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
American Medical Association; Membership Certificate, 1998 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
American Medical Women's Association; Membership Certificate, 1998 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
Planned Parenthood Federation of America; Certificate of Appreciation, 1988 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
Memorial; Boulware Sisters (Lula Inez Boulware and Mary Ella Boulware Taylor), 1987, 2004 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Awards and Honors, 1984-1988, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
"The Pill: Benefits Outweigh the Risks", 1983 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Female Medical Student in the 30's", 1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Important Facts About the Menopause: One Doctor's Opinion", 1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Philanthropy, 1981, 1988-1994 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
"The Abortion Alternative for Resolving Unwanted Pregnancies", 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Sex Problems After the Menopause", 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Durham Women's Clinic; Partners Correspondence and General Business, 1976-1983 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Professional Papers, 1942-1983
"Sexual and Marital Problems in Gynecologic Practice", 1975 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Talk for Durham Business and Professional Women's Club, 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Marital and Sexual Problems in Gynecologic Practice", 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Durham Business and Professional Women's Club; Woman of the Year Award, 1974 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Memberships and Affiliations, 1928-2000
Biographical Information, 1973 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004
Watts Hospital; Ad Hoc Center of Watts Medical Board, 1973 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Professional Papers, 1942-1983
Introductory Remarks for Talk about Abortion with Hillside High School Students, 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Adjustment Problems and Gynecologic Illness", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Women's Identity", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Menopause", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Facts Concerning the Abortion Problem", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Preface to "Good Housekeeping" Book on Women's Health, 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Advice/Answers Column in Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 1971-1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Community is Where the Action Is", 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
The Dilemma of Women in Our Culture", 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
[Sex Education], 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Therapeutic Abortion for Operating Room Nurses", 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
North Carolina Medical Society; Abortion and Public Policy, 1970-1973 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Professional Papers, 1942-1983
Black Banding Ceremony for Watts School of Nursing, 1970-1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983