[Sex Education], 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Therapeutic Abortion for Operating Room Nurses", 1971 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Advice/Answers Column in Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 1971-1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Introductory Remarks for Talk about Abortion with Hillside High School Students, 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Adjustment Problems and Gynecologic Illness", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Women's Identity", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Menopause", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Facts Concerning the Abortion Problem", 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Preface to "Good Housekeeping" Book on Women's Health, 1972 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
Talk for Durham Business and Professional Women's Club, 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Marital and Sexual Problems in Gynecologic Practice", 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Women's Problems", circa 1974 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Sexual and Marital Problems in Gynecologic Practice", 1975 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Abortion Alternative for Resolving Unwanted Pregnancies", 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Sex Problems After the Menopause", 1978 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Female Medical Student in the 30's", 1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"Important Facts About the Menopause: One Doctor's Opinion", 1982 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Pill: Benefits Outweigh the Risks", 1983 Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
"The Pre-Marital Medical Examination", undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983
[Psychol.], undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004Writings and Presentations, 1944-1983