Includes member files in Persons' possession from when he was active in the ACP. Contains correspondence, proposal for membership forms, administrative records, and a small amount of member biographies. Materials date from 1946 to 1970.
Includes materials documenting the ACP during Persons' involvement with the professional group. Contains printed materials, ACP promotional materials, the ACP's insurance program information, membership roosters, ACP statistics, information about the Mead Johnson Postgraduate Scholarship, and materials documenting the first telecast medical symposium. Materials date from 1952 to 1970.
Includes materials documenting the ACP's postgraduate courses. Contains correspondence, course materials, planning, and printed materials. Materials date from 1949 to 1967.
Includes materials documenting the ACP's regional meetings help around North Carolina, in Durham, Winston-Salem, and Chapel Hill. Contains correspondence, programs, and schedules. Also contains a small amount of materials from regional meetings in Virginia and Nebraska. Materials date from 1943 to 1967.
Includes correspondence, programs, printed materials, notes, travel records, and clippings pertaining to ACP's annual sessions, regional meetings, postgraduate courses, boards and committees, member files, statistics, insurance program, and the first telecast medical symposium held on September 23, 1954. Materials date from 1943 to 1970.
Includes food lists and recipes for a variety of different types of diets such as diets for weight loss, G.I. Tract issues, diabetes, high protein, high calcium, high vitamins, arthritis, low purine residue, low sodium, the smooth diet, as well as a small amount of correspondence pertaining to the Rice Diet. Materials date from circa 1940 to 1949.
Contains the professional and a small amount of personal papers of Elbert Lapsley Persons (1904-1970), Professor of Medicine and Professor of Community Health Sciences at Duke University. Types of materials include professional and personal correspondence, grant materials, records pertaining to Persons' time with the 65th General Hospital, Duke Medicine, and the ACP, as well as administrative records, guides, brochures, programs, schedules, information on Duke Medicine's Annual Medical Symposium, meeting materials, schedules, notes, photographic materials, a small amount of personal papers, speeches, writings, and contracts. Materials range in date from 1923 to 1970.