Contains correspondence, meeting minutes, progress reports, surveys, and articles pertaining to projects and research in community health that Estes was involved in. Materials range in date from 1966 to 1973.
Contains correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, articles, newsletters, reports, and curriculum vitae pertaining to committees in which Clark Estes was involved. Materials range in date from 1968 to 1984.
Contains correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and by-laws pertaining to the North Carolina Medical Peer Review Foundation. The North Carolina Medical Peer Review Foundation formed in 1973 as a nonprofit organization comprised of physicians licensed in North Carolina who reviewed services offered by physicians throughout the state and made sure patients that received the best care for the costs incurred. The foundation acted separately from the North Carolina Medical Society. Materials range in date from 1972 to 1980.
Contains correspondence, applications, articles, meeting minutes, reports, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Materials range in date from 1985 to 1986, with the bulk of the material undated.