Miscellaneous Fungus Diseases, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Manuscript Materials, 1953
Molds and Yeast-like Organisms which Produce Disease in Man, Radio Script, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Manuscript Materials, 1953
M, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969General correspondence, undated
Mycology Research at the Durham Veterans Administrative Hospital, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Manuscript Materials, 1953
Mycotic Infections Encountered in the Practice of Medicine, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Manuscript Materials, 1953
Mycotic Infections of Man and Animals, undated Box 2 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Manuscript Materials, 1953
Myers, Jay, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969General correspondence, undated
National Registry of Microbiologists, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Subject Files, undated
National Research Council, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Subject Files, undated
National Tuberculosis Association, undated Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Subject Files, undated
Noblin, Frances E., undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969General correspondence, undated
North Carolina Tuberculosis Association, undated Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Subject Files, undated
N, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969General correspondence, undated
O, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969General correspondence, undated
Pamlico County Tuberculin Testing Pilot Study, undated Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Manuscript Materials, 1953
Parke-Davis, undated Box 5 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969Business correspondence, undated
Personal correspondence, 1939-1945 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969Personal correspondence, undated
Personal correspondence, 1946-1947 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969Personal correspondence, undated
Personal correspondence, 1948 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969Personal correspondence, undated
Personal correspondence, 1949 Box 4 Bookmark Collection Context David Tillerson Smith Papers, 1920-1970Correspondence, 1939-1969Personal correspondence, undated