Interview, January 31, 2024
- Abstract Or Scope
This oral history interview was conducted with Charles Denton Johnson, PhD, on January 31, 2024 by Danielle Okotcha as part of the Bass Connections Agents of Change Oral History Project.
Duration: 01:48:36 (stereo)
Duration: 01:48:27 (mono)
During the interview, Charles Denton Johnson, PhD, introduces himself and his relationship to Charles Johnson, MD, his father; Charles Denton Johnson discusses his father's early life; his own childhood and what it was like to have a physician as a father; detailed background into Dr. Johnson's path from a fighter pilot to becoming a doctor; Dr. Johnson's significant allies; both his and his father's relationship with Dr. Eugene Stead; the story of Dr. Johnson's appointment as the first Black faculty member from Lincoln Hospital to Duke; Dr. Johnson's support for Black medical students; backlash Dr. Johnson experienced from his community and how he dealt with it; Dr. Johnson's resiliency; Dr. Johnson's average day, including his work, hobbies, and family life; Charles Denton Johnson's experience growing up in a community of successful Black professionals; Dr. Johnson's bedside manner and deep care for his patients; Dr. Johnson's defining moment at Duke University; Dr. Johnson's time as President of the National Medical Association (NMA); how Dr. Johnson's experiences shaped Charles Denton Johnson's own perspective on the intersectionality of race and health; the legacy of Dr. Johnson at Duke and beyond; and Dr. Johnson as an activist, advocate, and agent of change. The themes of this interview include racial justice and healthcare.
Digital files include interview metadata and transcript (DOCX), interview with stereo (WAV), interview with mono (MP3), consent form (PDF), an image (JPG), and TXT files. - Collection Context