Alcoholism, hypercortisonism, fat embolism, and osseo..., undated Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Alcoholism, hypercortisonism, fat embolism, and osseous avascular necrosis, 1970 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Alcoholism, undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997
Alexander, Dr. W. C.-Outgoing, March 10, 1983 Box 37 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Correspondence, 1926-1990
Allen, Thomas H., 1970 Box 1 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Correspondence, 1926-1990
Allergy, 1973 Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997
A longitudinal study of 16 champion runners, March 1967 Box 39 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
A Longitudinal Study of Gross Body Composition and Body Conformation and Their Association with Food and Activity in a Teen-Age Population, December 1966 Box 39 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
A Longitudinal Study of Healthy Young Men: Correlation Coefficients, July 15, 1963 Box 37 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Reports, 1939-1985
A longitudinal study of sixteen champion runners, 1967 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Alteration in mammalian nerve metabolism by soluble and gaseous anesthetics, 1956 Box 3 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
Alteration of hyperbaric oxygen toxicity by drugs, undated Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
Alterations in long-bone regional blood..., 1977 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Altered environments for biological specimens, 1959 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Altered pulmonary hemodynamics following experimental decompression..., 1967 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
Alternatives for the Conventional Methods of Human Body Composition and Physique Assessment, undated Box 39 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Altitude decompression sickness with focal neurological manifestations, 1967 Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
ALZA, undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997
America's 'father of space medicine', Hubertus Strughold, 1974-1975 Box 22 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Ames workshop conference, 1976 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Conferences, 1906-1995