Therapeutic apparatus, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997
The radioactive fallout and radioactive strontium, 1956 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The psychosocial reconstruction inventory a postdictal instrument..., 1972 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The protective effect of inhalation of oxygen at two atmospheres..., undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The problem of pulmonary insufficiency in disability rating, 1955 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The problem of experimentation on human beings, 1953 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The principles of safe diving practice, 1971 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
The preventive effect of denitrogenation during warm water..., 1973 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The pressure reversal of general anesthesia and the critical volume hypothesis, 1972 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The pressure-reduction limits for rats following steady-state exposures between 6 and 60 ATA, 1976 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The preservation of the WASA, 1968 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The prediction of thermal comfort..., 1969 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Prediction of Outstanding Athletic Ability, 1976 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The potential of new techniques and automation in cancer diagnosis, 1962 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
The possible relationship of the emotions to clinical coronary heart disease, 1959 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The possible relationship of occupational stress to clinical coronary..., 1958 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The possible conversion of fat into carbohydrate in the obese, 1959 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Pose of the Subject for Photogrammetric Anthropometry, With Especial Refence to Somatotyping, March 1950 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Ponderal Somatogram: Evaluation of Body Size and Shape from Anthropometric Girths and Stature, July 1987 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physique of bus and truck drivers..., 1955 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physiology of whales-Cecil Kent Drinker, 1949 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
The Physiology of Thermoregulation, August 1964 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physiology of extreme environments (2 of 2), 1987 Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physiology of extreme environments (1 of 2), 1987 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Physiological Role of Brown Adipose Tissue, 1964 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Physiological Effects of helium, argon, and the rare cases, 1962 Box 21 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Publications, 1937-1986Bibliographies, 1947-1974
The Physician and Sports Medicine reprints, 1975 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physician and sports medicine, 1978 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The physician and chamber safety, 1978 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Phantom Stratagem for Proportional Growth Assessment: Questions and Answers, 1985 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The petition, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The peripheral type of circulatory failure in experimental heat exhaustion, 1940 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The pathophysiology of decompression sickness and the effects of doppler..., undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
The oxygen consumption of the human kidney during heavy tubular excretory..., 1949 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Theory of narcosis by inhalation anesthesia, undated Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
The onset of post-menopausal osteoporosis..., undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The older worker in industry-Harvard Business Review, 1943 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The occupational-social class risks of cancer mortality..., 1960 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The nutritive value of thai fish products, 1971-1972 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The number of hand-wrist centers, 1960 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The new science of skin and scuba diving, 1968 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
The new isolation, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The New England Journal of Medicine, undated Box 20 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Publications, 1937-1986
The nature of burn shock, 1951-1954 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Reports, 1939-1985
The metabolism of radioactive strontium in adult, young, and rachitic rats, 1951 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Themes and variations in experimental toxicology, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The medical examination of Hiroshima patients..., 1952 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Measurement of Deuterium Oxide in Body Fluids by the Falling Drop Method, April 1951 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The meaning of experimental methods of changing the rate of aging..., 1958 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The maximum permissible exposure, 1959 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The marine biological laboratory, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The management of decompression sickness, undated Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
The Ludion procedure for operational saturation diving, 1975 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
The lucite calvarium, 1952 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The low-pressure chamber and aviation training, 1944 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The longitudinal approach to longitudinal problems, 1965 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Liver in Relation to the Body as a Whole, 1958 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The linear vector cardiogram, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The linearity criterion as applied to partitional calorimetry, 1936 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The lamp, 1966 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The kinetics of distribution of the fat-soluble inert gas cyclopropane..., 1960 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The isobaric (oxygen window) principle of decompression, 1967 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The influence of weather and climate on urinary volume..., 1963 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The influence of rest pauses on mechanical efficiency, 1960 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The influence of clothing on the physiological reactions..., 1938 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The influence of changing time zones on air crews and passengers, 1972 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The influence of air movement upon heat losses..., 1939 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The influence of air ions on a model of respiratory disease, 1974 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The indirect measurement of mean venous..., 1944 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The incidence of vestibular symptomalogy in 2,500..., 1974 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Importance of Arm Position when Measuring Upper Arm Circumference for the Evaluation of Nutritional Status, December 18, 1985 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The historical perspective of hyperbaric therapy, 1965 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Hyperbaric oxygen, 1962-1981
The Hills' alternative to naval decompression concepts..., 23-May-05 Box 12 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Decompression, 1930-1987
The high pressure neurological syndrome in the squirrel monkey..., 1972 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The heritability of some economic characteristics of beef..., 1955 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The healing of wounds, 1967 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The hazard of Caisson disease in individual submarine..., 1936 Box 15 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Submarine, 1931-1981
The Harris Benedict equation revisited: resting energy..., undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The haemodynamics of intermittent claudication, 1964 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The good samaritan hyperbaric research unit activities, 1963-1964 Box 6 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Notes, 1913-1988
The glasgow tank-clinical and experimental experiences, undated Box 10 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Studies and Experiements, 1930-1982
The Field Evaluation of Army Nutrition, 1947 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The family fallout shelter, 1960 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The faceplate, 1966-1969 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The evolution of functional saturation diving, 1967 Box 14 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997Diving, 1954-1986
The Estimation of the Surface Area of the Body, undated Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Estimation of Lean Body Weight from Skeletal Measurements, December 1959 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Estimation of Lean Body Weight From Anthropometric and X-Ray Measurements, December 1, 1957 Box 38 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Reports, 1939-1985
The Estimation of Body Surface Area by Monophotogrammetry, September 1962 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The Estimation of Antipyrine in Biological Materials, May 1949 Box 40 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The epidemiology of respiratory infection in an isolated antarctic community, 1968 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The elderly and civil service, undated Box 11 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Subject Files, 1908-1997
The elasticity and strength of some long bones of the human body, 1949 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The effects of simulated weightlessness upon the cardiovascular system, 1966 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The effects of immersion, recumbency and activity on orthostatic tolerance, 1966 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The effects of exposure to a rotating environment..., 1965 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The effects of cognitive appraisal of stress on heart rate and task performance, September 1968 Box 9 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Research, 1913-1988Reports, 1939-1985
The effects of air ions on plants, 1973 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The effects of acceleration on small animals utilizing..., 1953 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The effect of weight-training on physique, 1952 Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989