The petition, undated Box 32 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The protective effect of inhalation of oxygen at two atmospheres..., undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The relation of the reaction of carbonic oxide to oxygen tension, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The respiratory function of blood, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
The role of undersea warfare in US strategic doctrine, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Themes and variations in experimental toxicology, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Thermodynamic concentrations concerning the interaction of temperature and..., undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Tom Hunt Oxygen tension in tissues - wound healing, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Total body water and lean body mass estimated by ethanol dilution, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989
Underwater confinement, undated Box 33 Bookmark Collection Context Albert R. Behnke Papers, 1906-1996Writings, 1926-1989Reprints, 1926-1989