
Search Results

Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Eleanor Beamer Easley, MD (1907-1998), a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology who practiced in Durham, North Carolina. Easley was the first female graduate of Duke University School of Medicine's first four-year class. In 1941, Easley helped co-found the Durham Women's Clinic. Types of materials include notes from talks and presentations, writings, meeting minutes, agendas, articles, reports, photographs, correspondence, memberships, degrees, awards, and clippings. Major subjects include Durham, North Carolina; nursing; obstetrics and gynecology; women physicians; women's health; and Watts Hospital. Materials range in date from 1910 to 2004.
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Personal/Biographical, 1910-2004

Eleanor B. Easley Papers, 1910-2004 2 Linear Feet (2 manuscript boxes, 2 flat boxes)

Roger Denio Baker Papers, 1912-1993

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional and personal papers of Roger Denio Baker (1902-1994), an original faculty member at the Duke University School of Medicine and professor of pathology. Types of materials include journals, diaries, day planners, manuscripts, drafts, reprints, correspondence, photographs, notes, bound volumes, lab notebooks, brochures, clippings, certificates, correspondence, newsletters, sketches, and programs pertaining to Baker's education, teaching, and research. Materials date from 1912 to 1993.
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Photographs, 1912-1972

Roger Denio Baker Papers, 1912-1993 18 Linear Feet (12 cartons)

Elizabeth Reeves Collection, 1913-1988

Abstract Or Scope
Deputy Head of the Division of Environmental Stress, Naval Medical Research Center, United States; member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.
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Elizabeth Reeves Collection, 1913-1988

Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004

Abstract Or Scope
The Department of Biochemistry was established in 1930, making it one of the original departments of the Duke University School of Medicine. Chairs of the department include William A. Perlzweig, Philip Handler, Robert Hill, Christian R. H. Raetz, interim chair Peter Agre, interim chair Kenneth Kreuzer, and Richard G. Brennan. This collection contains general correspondence from the Department of Biochemistry, index cards containing student information, long range plans, artwork, framed images, and publications by W.A. Perlzweig, Phillip Handler, and other authors. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2004, with the bulk of material dating between 1930 and 1975.
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Department of Biochemistry Records, 1913-2004 8 Linear Feet (5 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 1 map folder) and 6 framed images and 3 pieces of artwork.

Onyekwere E. Akwari Papers, 1914-2021

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Onyekwere E. Akwari (1942-2019), the first African-American surgeon on the faculty of Duke University. Types of materials include correspondence, pamphlets, programs, financial information, calendars, datebooks, identification cards, passports and visas, applications, memorabilia, printed materials, a yearbook, certificates, building plans, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, U-Matic video cassettes, 16mm film reels, certificates, notes, meeting minutes and agendas, funeral programs and obituaries, photographs, newspaper clippings, publications, reprints, textiles, artifacts, scrapbooks, binders, transcripts, and electronic records pertaining to Akwari's personal and professional interests and activities. Major subjects include the Society of Black American Surgeons (SBAS) and St. Titus Episcopal Church (Durham, N.C.). Materials date from 1914 to 2021.
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Professional Activities, 1914-2020

Onyekwere E. Akwari Papers, 1914-2021 35.02 Linear Feet (18 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 5 flat boxes, 5 card boxes, 3 film canisters, 1 audio box, 3 map folders) and 24.12 GB and 2 textiles

Charles and Peggy Hammond Papers, 1915-2016, undated

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of Dr. Charles B. Hammond (1936-2021), chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1980-2002), and a small amount of personal correspondence belonging to Peggy Hammond. Types of materials include 3.5 inch floppy disks, a 16mm film reel, awards, CDs, certificates, clippings, conference materials, correspondence, digital surrogates, DVDs, lantern slides, negatives, newsletters, notes, slides, and VHS tapes. Major subjects of the collection include Hammond's involvement in and recognitions from professional organizations like the American Fertility Society and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Materials range in date from 1915 to 2016, and some materials are undated.
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Personal Materials, 1915-2008, undated

Charles and Peggy Hammond Papers, 1915-2016, undated 15.58 Linear Feet (9 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 2 flat boxes, 3 flat box folders, 1 lantern slide box, 1 film canister) and 10.19 GB

J. Deryl Hart Papers and Records, 1916-1987

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of J. Deryl Hart, chair of the Department of Surgery at Duke University from 1930 to 1960, and president of Duke University from 1960 to 1963. Major subjects include Chowan College, Duke University Medical Center, the Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic, surgical wound infection, medical hospitals, history of teaching medical schools, and history of surgery in North Carolina. Types of materials include personal and professional correspondence, memorabilia, certificates, diplomas, scrapbooks, photographs, speeches, lectures, addresses, clippings, sketches, reprints, ledgers, lantern slides, subject files, and committee materials. Materials range in date from 1916 to 1987.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 331

Correspondence, 1916-1975

J. Deryl Hart Papers and Records, 1916-1987

65th General Hospital Collection, 1917-2002

Abstract Or Scope
Contains personal papers, records, and memorabilia of the United States Army 65th General Hospital, a United States Army Medical Corps unit staffed by Duke University Medical Center alumni in England during World War II. The unit distinguished itself as a center for both specialized treatment and the immediate care of combat casualties. Following the war, physician of the 65th, Leo Alexander, acted as a consultant to prosecutors in the Nuremberg Trials. Types of materials include official reports, newsletters, patient records, memorabilia, oral histories, photographs, artifacts, audiovisual materials, investigative notes, and short writings. Major subjects include Duke University Medical Center, United States Army, the 65th General Hospital, World War I, World War II, war crimes, neurosurgery, Ivan Brown, Leo Alexander, Norman Ross, and O. Norris Smith. Materials range in date from 1917 to 2002.
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General Collected Materials of the 65th Base Hospital and the 65th General Hospital, 1917-2002

Duncan C. Hetherington Papers, 1918-1975

Abstract Or Scope
Duncan Charteris Hetherington (1895-1974), earned his AB degree at Colorado College (1919) and a master's degree (1920) and PhD (1922) in parasitology from the University of Illinois. He received his MD from Johns Hopkins University (1926). From 1926 to 1930, Hetherington was a member of the Department of Anatomy at Vanderbilt University. In 1930, Hetherington joined the new Duke University School of Medicine as a professor of anatomy. He remained at Duke until his obligatory (by age) retirement in 1965. Types of materials include course sketches and other sketches, brain modelling packet, a photograph of Hetherington, and the "Memorials from the Proceedings of the Eighty-Eighth Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists" booklet. Materials date from 1918 to 1975.
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Records, 1918-1975

Duncan C. Hetherington Papers, 1918-1975 0.25 Linear Feet (1 half manuscript box)

Oscar Hansen-Pruss Papers, 1918-1966

Abstract Or Scope
Contains materials pertaining to the career of Oscar Carl Hansen-Pruss (1900-1970), professor of internal medicine at Duke University Medical Center and one of ten original professors of the Duke University School of Medicine in 1930. Types of materials include correspondence, research notes, short writings, poems, manuscript materials, reprints, manuals, guides, conference and seminar records, academic and membership certificates, cards, and other memorabilia. Major subjects in this collection include microscopy, asthma, and allergies. Materials range in date from 1918 to 1966.
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Papers, 1918-1966

Oscar Hansen-Pruss Papers, 1918-1966 1.5 Linear Feet (3 manuscript boxes)