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Richard S. Lyman Papers, 1927-1957

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Richard Sherman Lyman (1891-1959), professor of neuropsychiatry at Duke University from 1941 to 1951. Types of materials include correspondence, subject files, memoranda, reports, budgets, course and teaching materials, and schedules. Major subjects include Duke Hospital, Duke University Medical Center, mental health agencies in North Carolina, mental health treatment, psychiatry, neurology, neuropsychology, nurse training programs, and treatment of soldiers and veterans of World War II. Materials range in date from 1927 to 1957.
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Subject Files, 1927-1951

Melvyn Lieberman Papers, 1965-1998

Abstract Or Scope
Melvyn Lieberman (1938-1997) was a professor in the Departments of Physiology, Cell Biology, and Biomedical Engineering at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC). He also directed the Graduate Studies programs for the Department of Cell Biology and the Department of Physiology and served as a special assistant to the executive vice president at DUMC and the senior vice president research administrator at DUMC. Major subjects include the DUMC Summer Educational Enrichment Program, the Duke Scientific Research Initiative, the Duke University Affiliated Physicians program, the American Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the Levine Science Research Center. Contains educational materials, construction records, conference and committee materials, correspondence, reprints, meeting and workshop materials, research files, weekly and annual reports, articles and publications, financial records, and subject files for professional colleagues and participating institutions that contributed to Lieberman's medical research and educational career. Materials range in date from 1965 to 1998.
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Reprints, 1965-1995

Medical Center Engineering and Operations Records, 1927-1996

Abstract Or Scope
Contains specifications and construction documents used to guide planning and construction of buildings of the Duke University Medical Center. Building plans and site plans were created by or retained by Duke University Medical Center, Engineering and Operations department. Major subjects in this collection include history of Duke University Medical Center buildings and Duke Hospital. Materials range in date from 1927 to 1996.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Records, 1930-2018

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The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established in 1930 as one of the founding departments at Duke University Medical Center. This collection contains articles, clippings, order forms, lectures, survey results, slides, Roy T. Parker Symposium programs, correspondence, artifacts, plaques, printed materials, photographs, negatives, and delivery and procedure logs produced by Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology faculty members from 1930 to 1995. Major contributors include F. Bayard Carter, E. C. Hamblen, and Robert A. Ross. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2018.

David C. Sabiston Papers, 1887-2015

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the personal and professional papers of David C. Sabiston Jr. (1924-2009), surgeon and chair of the Department of Surgery at Duke University from 1964 to 1994. Types of materials include personal and professional correspondence, memorabilia, scrapbooks, correspondence, clippings, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, floppy disks, VHS cassettes, certificates, research materials, committee minutes, reports, manuscript and illustration materials, reports, departmental lectures, presentations and talks, budgets, evaluations, administrative documents, planning documents, notes, photographs, slides, audiotapes, gowns, hoods, robes, and digital surrogates of plaques and awards. Major correspondents include Del Stickel, Donald Silver, J. Leonard Goldner, James F. Glenn, Will Camp Sealy, Samuel A. Wells Jr., and Kenneth Pickrell. Materials range in date from 1887 to 2015, with the bulk starting in 1920.

Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006

Abstract Or Scope
Dr. Ralph Snyderman, MD, is Chancellor Emeritus of Duke University, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine, and Director of the Duke Center for Research on Personalized Health Care. Contains the collected papers of Snyderman. Materials document Snyderman's professional appointments at both Duke University and Genentech, Inc., a biomedical technology firm in San Francisco, California. The papers consist of publications, manuscript materials, research materials, collected publications and citations, presentations and related correspondence, travel files, Genentech, Inc. research and administrative materials, subject files, business records from Snyderman's role as Duke's Chancellor for Health Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) committee and working group files, and papers from other committees and professional organizations of which Snyderman was a member. Major subjects in this collection include Snyderman's research in inflammation, immunology, and rheumatology; health care reform; medical administration and the role of the academic health center; and integrative and prospective medicine. Materials range in date from 1899 to 2006 with the bulk of the materials dating from 1968 to 2006.
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Ralph Snyderman (Personal) Papers, 1899, 1968-2006 57.5 Linear Feet (38 cartons, 1 flat box)

School of Nursing Records, 1930-2024

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the administrative records of the School of Nursing, School of Nursing Alumni Association, and other nursing student associations. Types of materials include correspondence, minutes, certificates, newsletters, budgets, evaluations, reports, class records, proceedings, publications, awards, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, printed materials, DVDs, CDs, clippings, and digital files. Major subjects include Duke University School of Nursing students and faculty, School of Nursing Alumni Association, Nursing Student Government Association, Nursing education, continuing education, nursing students, nursing societies, sororities, Sigma Theta Tau, Bessie Baker, Rachel Booth, Myrtle Irene Brown, Dorothy Brundage, Ann Jacobansky, Margaret Pinkerton, Florence K. Wilson, and Ruby L. Wilson. Materials range in date from 1930 to 2024.

Division of Cardiology Records, 1952-2016

Abstract Or Scope
Duke's Division of Cardiology, part of the Department of Medicine, is among one of the largest programs in the United States. Notable members of the division include Dr. Edward Orgain, Dr. Henry D. McIntosh, Dr. Andrew G. Wallace, and Dr. Joseph C. Greenfield. This collection contains subject files, newsletters, financial information, correspondence, meeting minutes, conference materials, agendas, study and research reports, writings, publications, programs, notes, presentations, personal accounts, proposals, questionnaires, interviews, lists, audiovisual materials, and photographic materials concerning the Division of Cardiology, particularly its departmental organizations, training fellows program, and the Duke Heart Center. Major subjects include the Duke Heart Center Board of Advisors, the Duke Cardiovascular Fellow's Society, the Duke University Cooperative Cardiovascular Society, and Dr. Joseph C. Greenfield's book on the history of the Cardiology Training Fellows program. Materials range in date from 1952 to 2016.

Wiley D. Forbus Records, 1849-1979

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional records of Dr. Wiley Davis Forbus (1894-1976), MD, professor and chair of the Department of Pathology at Duke University from 1930 to 1964; Area Consultant in Pathology for the Veterans Administration from 1948 through the 1960s; "chief mover" (Baker, 1959) of the North Carolina Medical Examiner's System; and Medical Education Consultant in Europe and the "Far East" from 1953 to the 1960s. Major subjects include the Department of Pathology, the Duke University School of Medicine, nursing and medical education, autopsies, the early history of Duke University, the Veterans Administration, Duke Pathological Services, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, medical education in the "Far East" in the 1950s and early 1960s, race relations in North Carolina, small hospitals in North Carolina, Medico-Legal concepts and practices, history of medicine in North Carolina, and early Hodgkin's disease research. These records include but are not limited to abstracts, accounts, annual reports, budgets, committee files, correspondence, course outlines, curriculum, curriculum vitae, lectures, manuscripts, memoranda, minutes, monographs, photographs, plans, proceedings, programs, protocols, publications, recommendations, reports, and schedules. An effort was made to cross reference when possible and list the contents and major topics within each folder on the folder tab for easy use. Materials date from 1849 to 1979 with the bulk of the materials dating from 1923 to 1979.
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Photos, 1849-1979

David E. Yount Collection, 1862-2000

Abstract Or Scope
David E. Yount (1935-2000) was a researcher on bubble formation theory and decompression sickness, University of Hawaii professor of physics, chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii, administrator at the University of Hawaii, and a member of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS). Collection contains correspondence, reports, committee materials, text of speeches and lectures, presentation notes, manuscript materials, research files, and grant files. Major subjects include diving, acoustics, decompression, decompression sickness, high-energy physics, and diving physiology. Materials range in date from 1862 to 2000, with the bulk of materials dating from 1975 to 2000.
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Records, 1862-2000

David E. Yount Collection, 1862-2000 24 Linear Feet (16 cartons)