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Aksel, Sezer, 2007

News Service Clippings Collection, 1927-1986

Abstract Or Scope
Contains news clippings pertaining to Duke University Medical Center. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, Duke University School of Medicine, Duke University School of Nursing, Highland Hospital, and the 65th General Hospital. Clippings were collected by a news clipping service. Materials range in date from 1927 to 1986.
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Alphabetical Subjects, 1927-1986

Jay M. Arena Papers, 1931-1995

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Jay Morris Arena (1909-1996), professor of pediatrics and community health and director of the Duke Poison Control Center. Types of materials include correspondence, reports, minutes, reprints, newsletters, clippings, programs, certificates, photographs, biographical materials, and manuscript materials. Major correspondents include Wilburt Cornell Davison, Atala Davison, Talmage Peele, Thomas Thweatt Jones and members of the Duke Children's Classic advisory group. Major subjects include Duke University Hospital, pediatrics, accidental poisoning in children, poisoning prevention and safety measures, poisoning case studies, treatment of poisoning, poison control centers, American Academy of Pediatrics, Duke Poison Control Center, and pediatrics in China. Materials range in date from 1931 to 1995.
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American Academy of Pediatrics, 1964-1992

Robert L. Blake Papers, 1943-2005

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Robert (Bob) L. Blake, Coordinator of the Department of Medical Illustration in the Duke University School of Medicine. Types of materials include pen and ink drawings, pencil sketches, carbon dust drawings, scratchboard engravings, pen trials, watercolors, acrylic paintings, collage, illustrations of various sizes, hand lettering and calligraphy, prints, plates, programs, clippings, pamphlets, brochures, cards, photographic materials, scrapbooks, and commercially published works. Major subjects include Duke University School of Medicine, Civilian Public Service Unit #61, conscientious objectors during World War II, and medical and architectural illustration. Materials range in date from 1943 to 2005.
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Anatomical and Medical Illustrations, 1948-1980, undated

Medical Center Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1965-1994

Abstract Or Scope
Contains minutes for the annual faculty meetings for Duke University School of Medicine, which have traditionally been held in the spring of each academic year. Major topics include academic affairs at the Medical Center, yearly programs, and contemporary issues relevant to the Medical Center. Materials range in date from 1965 to 1994.
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Annual Meeting of the Medical School, 1965-1994

Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology Records, Circa 1961-1989, 1968-2007

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology is the Southeast's regional referral center for Hyperbaric Medicine. It is a multi-place, critical care-oriented, hyperbaric facility available 24 hours a day. The collection contains lantern slides, 35 mm slides, photographs, negatives, drawings, small artifacts, letters, and clippings. Major subjects include the construction of the lab, the Atlantis dive series, the Apollo missions, and collaboration with the Navy. Materials range in date from 1961 to 2007.
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Apollo Missions, circa 1961-1975

Thomas E. Frothingham Papers, 1974-2007

Abstract Or Scope
Contains the professional papers of Thomas E. Frothingham (1926-2011), chief of the General Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics in the Duke University Medical Center (1973-1988). Types of materials include contracts, reports, meeting notes, budgets, grant proposals and memoranda pertaining to Duke's Department of Pediatrics, the Duke Child Protection Team and the Center for Child and Family Health-North Carolina, Area K, and the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program. Major subjects include community and rural health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation General Pediatrics Academic Development Program, and Duke University Medical Center. Materials date from 1974 to 2007.
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Area K Contracts, 1974-1995

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant, 1978-1989

Duke Administrative Professionals Affinity Group Records, 2021-2024

Abstract Or Scope
The Duke Administrative Professionals Affinity Group (APAG) is Duke's first affinity group for administrative professionals. The group was launched on July 1, 2021. APAG is guided by their Mission to create a nurturing community for Duke administrative professionals to excel, and their Vision is that Duke administrative professionals will advocate for themselves, their profession, and their career growth. Includes APAG branded items from their swag bag and digital files documenting the APAG's logo, guidelines, information about the group, and an event flyer. Materials date from 2021 to 2024.
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Artifacts, 2024

Juntos Affinity Group Records, 2024

Abstract Or Scope
The Juntos Affinity Group provides a safe space for Hispanic/Latinx team members and allies to feel seen, heard, and valued. In addition to creating a space for connection, the group focuses on promoting opportunities for mentorship, sponsorship, and career development as it raises awareness of the social, economic, and health disparities experienced by the Hispanic/Latinx community. In the fall of 2024, a steering committee established the group's charter and chose the name Juntos, meaning "Together," to highlight the group's commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and community. Juntos officially launched with a kick-off meeting in December 2024. Includes a small amount of artifacts in the form of Juntos swag and digital files documenting Juntos activities and their charter. Materials date to 2024.
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Artifacts, 2024

Department of Anatomy Records, 1930-1983

Abstract Or Scope
Contains records documenting the Department of Anatomy, established in 1930 as part of the original School of Medicine. The name of the department changed to the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy in 1988. This collection contains portraits, articles, meeting notes, reprints, and minutes created by Joseph E. Markee, Francis Huntington Swett, and others pertaining to the activities of the Department of Anatomy (now the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy) at Duke University, including curriculum scheduling and the new teaching facility (1965). A book of faculty reprints from 1930 to 1940 is also included, entitled "A complete file of publications from the Department of Anatomy, Duke University School of Medicine." Materials date from 1930 to 1983.
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A Short History of the Department of Anatomy, 1930-1983