
Search Results

Department of Community and Family Medicine Records, 1959-2021 62.65 Linear Feet (39 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 5 flat boxes, 1 map folder, 20 film reels) and 1 piece of artwork and 1.12 GB

Department of Health Administration Records, 1943-1991 47 Linear Feet (31 cartons and 1 manuscript box)

Department of Medicine Records, 1930 - 2017 160 Linear Feet (105 cartons, 3 manuscript boxes, and 2 flat boxes)

Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Records, 1931-1985 10.5 Linear Feet (7 cartons) and 4.54 MB

Department of Neurobiology Records, 1981-2001 1.3 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box, 1 map folder)

Department of Neurology Records, 2006-2018 0.25 Linear Feet (1 Map Tube)

Department of Neurosurgery Records, 1922-1988, 2023 15.68 Linear Feet (2 half manuscript boxes, 16 card boxes, 1 audiocassette box, 155 film canisters, 1 audio box, 2 lantern slide boxes, 2 flat boxes) and 1 artifact case

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Records, 1930-2018 5.75 Linear Feet (3 cartons, 1 manuscript boxes, 2 flat boxes) and 43 ledgers

Department of Ophthalmology Records, 1940-2014 144.25 Linear Feet (95 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 3 flat boxes)

Department of Pediatrics Records, 1930-2014 126.75 Linear Feet (82 cartons, 1 half manuscript box, 14 blueprints)

Department of Physical Therapy Records, 1942-2006 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Records, 1944-1992 8 linear feet (5 cartons, 1 flat box) and 3 items on the mobile art cart

Department of Radiology Records, 1932-1988 0.5 Linear Feet (1 manuscript box)

Department of Surgery Chief Residents Oral History Interviews, 2018-2022 22 interviews (3 CDs, 22 transcripts) and 686.62 MB

Department of Surgery Records, 1947-2024 11.5 Linear Feet (7 cartons, 1 manuscript box, 1 flat box) and 1 artifact and 912.64 MB

Department of Urology Records, 1969-2019 6 Linear Feet (4 cartons) and 298 MB

Diana B. McNeill Oral History Interview, 2021 1 interview (1 transcript) and 666 MB

Division of Allied Health Education Records, 1956-1983 27 Linear Feet (18 cartons)

Division of Cardiology Records, 1952-2016 16.75 Linear Feet (10 cartons, 1 flat box, 2 manuscript boxes, 1 half manuscript box) and 528 MB

Division of Gastroenterology Records, 2018-2019 33.7 MB