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William G. Anlyan Oral History Interviews, 1978-2007
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William George Anlyan (1925-2016) came to Duke University School of Medicine for his residency in general and thoracic surgery (1949-1955). Afterwards, he joined the surgical staff led by Dr. Deryl Hart, becoming a full professor of surgery in 1961, and, from 1964 to 1969, was the third dean of the School of Medicine. Anlyan also served as vice president for health affairs (1969-1983) and chancellor for health affairs (1983-1989). From 1988 to 1993, Anlyan was the executive vice president and cencellor for health affairs before becoming chancellor of Duke University (1990-1995). This collection contains 9 oral history interviews conducted in 1978, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2004, and 2007. Interviews in the 1990s were conducted by Dr. James Gifford. Interviews conducted in the 2000s were conducted by Jessica Roseberry.
Transcript, June 20, 2007 Box Transcripts 1
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Interview, June 20, 2007
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This interview was conducted with Dr. William Anlyan on June 20, 2007 by Jessica Roseberry.
Duration: unknown
Anlyan speaks about Dr. Susan Dees; Dr. Jane Elchlepp; Dr. Elchlepp as a talented facilities planner in the Duke Department of Pathology; hiring Dr. Elchlepp to work as a facilities planner for his office when he was chancellor; this work becoming Dr. Elchlepp's full-time job; Dr. Elchlepp's early history; Dr. Elchlepp's abilities; Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans; Mrs. Semans's support; former dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Ruby Wilson; Dr. Molly Bernheim; the presence of female medical students when he was a medical student; the increase in numbers of women and underrepresented minorities under his deanship; the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology as a "male chauvinist domain"; female medical students who fought this trend; tenure issues; Dr. Doris Howell, in the Department of Pediatrics; Dr. Rebecca Buckley; Dr. Catherine Wilfert; other women; Dr. Sara Dent, leader of Anesthesiology; and Dr. Ruth Martin.
The transcription of this interview was made possible by a grant from the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation. - Collection Context