- Durham VA Medical Center5
- Wilfert, Catherine M.5
- Dees, Susan Coons, 1909-20014
- Duke University. School of Nursing4
- Durham County (N.C.). Department of Public Health4
- Goldner, J. Leonard4
- Greenfield, Joseph C., Jr. (Joseph Cholmondeley), 1931-4
- Kerby, Grace P.4
- MacDonald, Amy G.4
- Snyderman, Ralph4
- Andrews, Nancy Catherine3
- Blalock, Alfred, 1899-19643
- Bolognesi, Dani3
- Duke University -- Administration.3
- Duke University. Department of Psychiatry3
- Jones, R. Scott (Rayford Scott), 1936-3
- Jones, Robert H.3
- Katz, Samuel L., 1927-3
- Snyderman, Ralph.3
- Watts Hospital (Durham, N.C.)3